This is the story of completely ridiculous prosecution of an elderly New Jersey man for the possession of a 1760 flintlock pistol.  Any of you guys living in New Jersey need to write and call your state congressional members and Gov. Christie and demand that this ridiculous and over the top persecution (yes, persecution!) of a man who did absolutely nothing wrong be stopped.  Gov. Christie could stop it right now by just going ahead and giving him a pardon from any prosecution for this so called offense.


This is just another example of why we need the NRA and why if you aren't a member, you need to join.  If even half the gun owners in this country would join the NRA, we could control every election held in this country.

Views: 106

Replies to This Discussion

Charles, I was just reading that article on yahoo a little while ago, glad you posted it. I was getting ready to. Just shows how much our freedoms are being taken away in this country. A lady in the same article had been subjected to some of the same treatment. Hopefully folks will wake up and elect officials that uphold and defend their constitutional rights. I'm sure a lot of folks won't even bother to read since it was entered by Fox news. The mainstream media has tainted the truth on many events and would like to hush them, and our politicians want to censor truths and have demonstrated it.

I agree guys!  This is just ridiculous.  If the prosecutor is too political to drop the charges,  Gov. Christie should certainly step in and stop this.  It will not happen without public outcry! 

Actually we all have a voice in this one........we may not all be able to vote for the Gov of New Jerksey, but most of us can and will vote for the next President. Just got to let the Gov. know.

Good point!


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