I may have an opportunity to pick up a few of these at a good price.  If you are truly interested let me know.  If I can get enough, I can approach for a cost.  They would not have an iKC blade etch but I could do an iKC special certificate with them

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That looks great Jan and its an exciting collaboration! A good price would be incredible. Can you say collectable?

Yes, Jan, thanks, I would be interested!

Excellent  Jean-François.  Lets see if we can get a few more.

Bob, Blade length is 2 5/8.  you still cant carry?

Since Bob is living in the UK a fixed blade is seen as illegal for carry without good reason. (Same as locking blades)

Only things that are allowed in the UK as "edc" knives are non-locking blades with an edge of less than 3".


If you can offer it at market or a little below, I'm in.


No problemo Bob, I love the UK despite it's wacky knife laws. Although if my scottish friends would see me calling Scotland the UK they'd probably give me a righ kickin in the heed!

Well we have an opportunity to do this  95.00 plus shipping but we have a very limited number avail.  Like the founders day knife there are only about 5 or so

So far we have 

Jean Francois

Bob Biggs

James Cole

anyone else?

Sure hope you get more takers that is an exceptional price and a good knife!

We have a small window of time here.  If we can get them funded by March 3rd or so I can pick them up at the Dalton show and mail them right away

I clicked something and my response went away.  Start again.


Thank you for mentioning this knife again in the most recent post by you about where we are, up to now.  I missed this knife by not clicking on the link as I read the posts about this year's ideas for a club knife.

Small fixed blade in D-2.  I'd like one, especially since there will not be enough Mutz folders to buy two of them.  I prefer fixed-blades and a little one can be worn on the belt for "dress".  I used to wear a Gerber Guardian on my leg, but the elastic wore out.


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