I have been asked many times about something here on iKnife Collector called Featured Members.

  1. What is that?
  2. How do I become one?
  3. What does it get me?
  4. What do I win?

The truth of it is a Featured Member is one who's posts, blogs. discussion or pictures or videos or just excels at being a member. Plus that member becomes an integral part of our community, talking, discussing and contributing to our collective knowledge of the knife collecting hobby.

In some respects, to use a sports analogy, its like being elected to the Hall of Fame and because we are a fairly new community, your rise to Featured member can be meteoric. From day one, rocketing to the top of the collecting environment.

Its not competitive as we can have many Featured Members. Over time we could have hundreds. Don't believe it, I've seen it on other ning networks and it is amazing.

Now you can lose that Featured Member status if you stop being active and we certainly know things can get in the way of your hobby.

Want to see all current Featured Members just click on the view all link when you search members. Its right under the Featured members pictures. here is a quick link to look at:


We will be adding, changing and maneuvering a few so hang on. We also may have some improvements for following Featured Members coming up very soon and we'll explain that in another post.

Tags: featured, members, posts

Views: 453

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Thanks for the info.  I did not know you could see all the featured members.

Absolutely and hopefully will show our members these are the people worth following. They know knives, are passionate about the hobby and have a lot to say about it!

Jan Carter said:


Thanks for the info.  I did not know you could see all the featured members.

The second quarter results are in.  We've added 8 new folks into the featured members list, bringing the current total to 75.

On an aside, two of these new inductees, broke in to the TOP 10.

Thank you JJ, for  keeping us up to date on that!

Thank you to all the members that make us "A Family Forged in Steel"!!

Just wanted to note, the latest inductees, into the Featured members, included 10 first timers. 3 made it to the top 10 and 1 was in the top 5.

Thanks to ALL of our members for making iKC the great place that it is.

Take a minute and congratulate the latest inductees onto the Featured Members list.

As  it was in January, we had 10 first timers, added to the list, with one earning the top spot.

Well done folks.  If it wasn't for our members, iKC wouldn't be the place that it is,  Thanks for being here.


Final stats up for 2016 will be posted after midnight. Expect to see some long time members along with a helping of new inductees.

We had 9 new inductees tonight.  

Thanks for ALL our members.  Without each of you, iKC wouldn't be the great place it is.

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