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DMT Mini-Sharp Portable Folding Diamond Knife Sharpener - Extra-Fine

Green Shamrock Classic SD

AND our newest Ikc mug, sporting the Family Forged in Steel

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Wow Roger love that Boker!!!

And now for a little crocodile bone!  I don.t normally buy Steel Warrior Knives; primarily because I feel Rough Riders are a better quality knife at lower price point.  I'm also not crazy about the jigging patterns found on most Frost knives,  I think the jigging on Rough Riders  look better. However, someone gave me about  dozen Steel Warrior slip joints and among them was a Brown Croc Peanut!  That jig pattern like!  too bad Frost discontinued it  Below is  the Green Croc Bone Congress.  Frost did everything right on this knife.   It has a Sheepfoot main blade followed by spear blade, coping and pen. 

Like the most interesting man in the World, I don't normally collect Steel Warriors but when I do they have Croc Bone Scales

OK, I am with you Tobias.  Dont like all their scales but sure do like this one, I bet it was even nicer in brown

You can be the judge.  Here is the key lime SW and the Croc Brown SW peanuts.

I'll try to get a better pic later!

Today's Luck of the Irish knife is a Buck Mini Trapper.  In this case, it is Bill Lowen "Hooked on Fishing"  Mini Trapper in Lake Bottom Green"  (B-3786)  The Knife was an exclusive for SMKW some years back.  It features a lake bottom lasered scrimshaw scene and a Nickel Silver Bass Shield. 

I used the 1971 edition of the Tacklebox Library ( a five book collection on all things fishing) for the back drop.  The books were published by "Outdoor Life" magazine.

Long Friday the 13.  but my Luck is holding out!  Today's Luck of the Irish entry is my Remington Shotbuster  work knife is shotgun shell green handles.  The knife is one of the Chinese made Remingtons which is surprisingly similar to the Rough Rider locking work-knives.  Of course the swedge at the top of the skinner blade and the shotgun shell ribbed scales make it pretty cool.  The liner lock on these knives also set it apart for the basic Case Ssodbuster!  Hard to pass up such a handy knife for $10.00!

440A stainless blade, Green comp handles, brass pins and liners.  Stainless steel back spring.

Length closed 4.75 inches.   Blade Length: 3.75 inches

Today's special is my the last of my Green Toothpicks.  In tis case it is the Rough Rider  RR453  Peacock Green Toothpick.  this is one of three medium Toothpicks made by Rough Rider.  The closed length is 4 1/8 inch, 7 inches overall. Features wonderful green smooth bone handles and razor sharp 440a Stainless steel California Clip blade!

Below is a pic of all three Rough Rider Green smooth bone toothpicks.

Okay, I'll play, too ---.Remington R-466-30- 30 year anniversary knife  Green curly maple Muskrat SFO for SMKW- 

# 052 of 500---

Lots of Green......for the IRISH......

That's a"moose" of a Muskrat, John!   Good looking knife!

Thanks Tobias-- One more- My own custom, although not totally green, features Green malachite stone spacer and malachite pins  and Snakewood handles--  This was the first knife that I self taught myself how to make the stone inlayed pins . Neccessity is the mother of invention-LOL

Tobias, I caught the reference--- I swear that right after I bought it, online research called it a "muskrat"  rather than the more obvious "moose" in  hindsight--- First I had owned of either pattern, so  didn't occur to me to check further. Just recorded the info and forgot about it-- Big Mea Culpa on my part !!--- I know better !!-LOL

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