iKC Member in Need Request #8 - Ontario Folding Spec Plus Marine 50-90

The Need

Similar to my first request, please take a look at this and the other postings I have similar to this one and share with me what you know about it. My goal is to use the information you provide to properly market and sell these knives to get a reasonable sale price while letting the buyer enjoy the full value of the piece.

Spec Plus Marine 50-90 – What I Think I Know

This is what I believe to be true so far about this knife:

  • This is a first generation Spec Plus – no thumb studs
  • “ONTARIO” stamped on obverse tang
  • “SPEC PLUS” over “MARINE 50-95” stamped on reverse tang
  • 4” clip point blade; half serrated; black finish
  • Kraton handles
  • Lock back
  • Blade is 1095 carbon steel (need to confirm)

What I want to Know

Based on the bullet info above and judging the best you can from the photos, I would like to know the following:

  • Estimate year of knife manufacture?
  • What is the original model number?
  • Is the blade 1095 carbon steel?
  • Should I clean it or leave it as is?
  • Should I send it to Ontario for refurb?
  • What, in your opinion, is the value of the knife?
  • What, in your opinion, is a good sale price?

Please feel free to ask me questions, request additional photos, or whatever in order to assist you in your evaluations. Please also feel free to correct my understandings with additional facts, as I want the best info I can get to support the sale.

Thank you for your comments and assistance – it is greatly appreciated!

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Don't know much about this one.  I know similar Ontario folders in the Spec-plus line are 1095. They go for around $50 brand spanking new!

Oh man...I had my money on the notion that this would be the one knife you had all the right data for! No worries - thank you for looking.

When I see the "reintroduced" Spec-Plus folders, they are similar - but not the same, and start at $74.00. They are referred to as 2nd generation for the modifications they have under gone - like thumb studs now, The new clip point Marine folder has a straight edge, no serrations, while the drop point version now has the serrations. 

I just can't find anything anywhere on these first models...and that surprises me.

Tobias Gibson said:

Don't know much about this one.  I know similar Ontario folders in the Spec-plus line are 1095. They go for around $50 brand spanking new!

rugged looking Ontario lockback lars

Lars, you can also ask Drew in out Ontario group.  I am willing to bet someone there knows about them

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