iKC sponsors and members at Blade - be sure to stop and say HI

I like to try to get all of these in one place in case you need them.  If your going, wont you please stop by, say Hi and thank them for helping us to keep the lights on here at iKC.

Bruce Voyles                                        Booth 703
Colonial Knives                                     Booth 1138
Fiddleback Forge                                   Table 4E
JSR Sports
Knife Mag                                              Table 22M
Lees cutlery
Maher & Grosh
Premium knives                                   Booth 19 & 20
Queen Cutlery                                      Booth 82

Reed Cutlery/Cougar Creek Knives

WhiteRiver knives                                 Booth 32

White River Firecraft                              Table 28S 

Members & Friends of iKC

AG RUSSELL                       Booth 102

Alabama Damascus              Booth 712

Blueridge Knives                   Table 1T

Tony Bose                            Table 1H

Dan Fitzgerald                       Table 25W

Battle Horse Knives               Booth 206

Greg Dash                             Table 8E

GEC                                      Booth 403 

John Lloyd                             Table 91

Tim "Chops" Lambkin              Table 17K


RECHSTEINER, CARL E.        Table 5J

Jim Sargent                             Table 3W

Scott Davidson                         Table 4M

Sharper Deal                             Table 18V

WA Surls Knives                       Table 4F  

Tags: -, Blade, HI, and, at, be, iKC, members, say, sponsors, More…stop, sure, to

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and just a few more shots to give the feel of the show

Last but not least Mr George.  he has a summer home up here with his parents so he rode along and went to his first Blade show.  Already says that next year he wants to go too.  Thank you to George for helping me get pics

A start up sharpening company.  They have provided iKC a few samples for giveaway and review :) Regardless of the style of blade they have an option

One of my all time favorite booths to visit.  There is always a lot of fun happening along with a good amount of work!

Another family of knife makers and an amazing line up of products, White River Knife & Tool .  

A company that needs no introduction and their newest Hawk

A good many folks never see one of the powerhouse workers at Knife Magazine.  Ms Kim is extremely valuable and a wonderful person to boot

Seriously folks you can stand in front of this booth all day and rarely be able to get to the front unless you are in the traffic flow

My Dakota with his first Kiddo Program Knife from Queen Cutlery. 

Microtechs were everywhere

and Mr Greg Dash!

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