Just in............

Jigged Buffalo Horn

Worm Groove Moss Brown

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Nice additions Dennis!

Mine arrived today and like you stated, the jigging is different than the stock pics. The color on mine is lighter than the stock pics and seems to be paler than yours (more "minty") but like you, I like it. Everything is flush when open. All in all, for me it's a keeper. Here are a couple of quick cell phone pics. - OG

Dennis Hibar said:

Well ... she arrived today.  Still not quite sure about it.  I DO like the coloring on this one.  Just wish the jigging extended further along the covers ... like in the stock photos.  Almost sent it back, because the back spring doesn't sit flush on the main blade side when in the open position ... but the more I looked at the coloring, decided to keep it and not chance getting something I liked less!  I may keep my eye open as other start showing up with actual photos.

Mine is growing on me.  Decided to keep it, even with the non-flush back spring.  May keep looking and, if one pops up that appeals to me more, well ...!  Actually, I saw one that actually looked like antique bone than olive! 

Do you think we will ever see a Seahorse in the classic Yellow Synthetic?

That would be neat Tim.  There was a 2014 thread over on Blade Forums that showed a picture of a yellow seahorse.  The pic, itself, was grabbed from another forum.  Lots of speculation about how it came to be.  Pic was not good enough for me to see the tang stamp, but someone said it looked like a 2008.  Further speculation was that it might be an SFO.  I like the terra cotta and black.  A yellow would fit perfectly with those!!!!

I too saw that one in searching. Looks like maybe a mod being that there is little to no info about it.

Seems like Case would at some point will make one. Maybe even in CV :)

Just in.  Simple and sweet ... 2019 natural bone.

Would be an awesome user.  I'd love to see the scales color after a couple of years.

First thing I have to do J.J. is resharpen all three blades.  Worst sharpening job I've seen yet coming out of Case!  So many micro chips from the belt that you could probably saw with it!!!  That is on the schedule for this weekend. 

New pony in.  Had this one on pre-order for a while ...... but should have waited and tried to find one I could get a good look at.  I thought the natural bone I got in July had a horrible sharpening job.  It was great compared to this one.  Don't now what's going on at Case .... but this is the 3rd Case knife I've gotten in the past year that should not have left the shop.  Did debate sending it back, but it was much easier for me to spend a couple hours correcting the problems.  And they were BAD.  Normally, I resharpen every knife I plan to carry or use.  Rarely, however, re-profile.  Just make the manufacturer / maker edge  better (for my cutting needs). This one needed a complete re-profiling.  I had to take the main Wharnie down to 17° per side (would have normally been 22-24°, because the blade edge on the presentation side blade was around 17 at the plunge line and 25 at the tip!  Pile side was bad, but not quite as bad.  Pen and coping also had problems and needed to re-profile both to 23° per side.  But she is looking good now.  Just makes me wonder.  Anyway, here it is ... the 2019 Valley Jig:

New seahorse in the stable.  2007 Crandall 1st Run.  It's an olive green ... but the presentation side looks more brown than green.  Pile side is a little more green.  Regardless, has an entirely different look than my other olive green 2007 Crandall.

After nearly 2 years of searching, finally latched on to a 2010 red shield gray bone.  It's much lighter in color than Craig's ... but I am a happy camper!!


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