Perhaps I'm getting too particular or too obsessive. Yet I've noticed that I get quite upset when I get a knife whose blade does not seat in the middle of the handle when closed. I hate that ! That's my pet peeve. Fortunately the GECs I've got recently have been perfect. Got a yellow rose outlaw that is flawless, so I'm happy. I was just wondering what your pet peeve might be. Some of you out there got some, I know. Just curious.

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My pet peeve of pocket knives is when the back end of the tang sticks out from the knife too far.  Especially if that corner is sharp.  I put one in my pocket one time and it tore through my pocket and cut my leg.  You don't come across this too much; not as much as your pet peeve.  Your pet peeve is one of mine as well.  I can't understand why reputable companies like Case cannot do a better job of centering the blade in the liners.

My main pet peeve is blade play. Most of the other problems I can live with as long as they aren't too bad. Even blade play I'll put up with as long as it TINY.

Is this discussion just for GEC knives?

I know what you mean, Bob. My first GEC was a 73 liner lock in stonewashed blue, a beautiful knife. But the backspring was so strong, I could hardly open it. I put the knife aside and decided that GEC was not for me. Eventually, however, for some reason I can no longer remember I acquired some othe GECs, and they began to grow on me. Moreover, I began to have blade-play and loosy-goosy problems with other brands, so gradually I began to appreciate the strong backsprings. I realized also, that most of them loosen up with use. Now the strong backsprings are one of the things I like most about them. Yet I know what you mean . . . it can be offputting.

Geez I guess no one likes talking about pet peeves . . . oh well.
Bob Biggs said:

I agree with both peeves, in the last few weeks i have bought four Sheffield made knives all have those very faults although it does not affect the operation of the knives it does mean i am less likely to carry them (mostly the tang peeve). My only Case knife is a little CV Sodbuster and when it is closed it is smooth all round, my GEC Bull Nose on the other hand, although i believe it to be a better knife has got the sharp tang peeve i get around it by carrying it in a pouch on my belt. My main pet peeve is overly strong back springs , in fact i sent my #26 Sunfish back to the good folk at GEC who eased it for me, i guess i have been using one handed openers for to long and got soft (at least my right thumbnail has) LOL anyhoo it grew back...


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