Paul Myers Knife?

I traded for a knife at the Dallas Gun Show this weekend. The man said he had taken it on trade several years ago and didn't know much about it. I am trying to find out if it is a Paul Myers knife. The knife has very nice file work and is very nice, but it doesn't have the markings like the other Paul Myers Knives I have seen.  It has the number 10 on one side and MYERS on the other side.  Does anyone know?  Thanks for the help

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    Any help on this or do I need to start a new thread?  Thanks

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    Len Holle

    Steve Hanner said:

    Ok well good that might provide something. I was able to find a Steve Myers in Illinois but his profile says he works on straight knives no folders.

    John Derrick said:

    I showed knife to a friend who knows a lot more than me. He said he thinks the man that made the knife lived around San Angelo, TX.
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    Len Holle

    I know this is a old posting but maybe this will help someone. Steve Myers is a long time friend. He used to be in Virginia, Il. now in Springfield, Il. The Myers knife in this thread is not one of Steves, he works with fixed blade knives. The photos are of a knife Steve made for me after I told him his Damascus blades were toooooo pretty to use, this one has cut a lot of deer! The sheath is hand made for the knife out of split beaver tail.