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Latest Benchmade knife purchase

What is your latest Benchmade knife purchase? I'll start things off. Yesterday I stumbled upon a pretty rare 800 AFCK. It's an 800-03/00 AL knife of the month from March 2000 (03/00)
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    Jonathan Chamblee

    sorry i mean b. smiths pic

    Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said:

    Which model do you mean, Jonathan?

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    Jan Carter

    pretty rare 800 AFCK. It's an 800-03/00 AL knife of the month from March 2000 (03/00)
    Jonathan Chamblee said:

    sorry i mean b. smiths pic

    Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said:

    Which model do you mean, Jonathan?

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    Doug Ritter RSK Mk1 in M390 (KnifeWorks exclusive).

    I was psyched to find this one because they've been out of production for a while as far as I understand. I've been a fan of Doug Ritter's blade designs, especially the Benchmade designs & his Rowen-made Perseverance...