A home for those who love the springblade knives, including American, Italian, German, English and others.
when i got it, it didn't fire in locked position tried again and a piece of wire popped out of the knife looks like a piece of coat hanger (vintage I'm sure) but what i like about this knife is you can see they used anything they could get there hands on to make this knife its truly hand made. right down to the piece of coat hanger that was used for the spring. by the way its still in there to deploy the blade.
Clint Thompson
These knives were made overseas most likely in China. The only way they made it into the USA was a tourist bought one and brought it back..which was illegal to do. Depending on condition and if it still opens quickly I would estimate its value at about $30.
Sep 4, 2013
Bill DeShivs
These knives were made in Japan, not China.
And, coat hanger wire won't make a spring!
Sep 21, 2013
Adam Fort
That's a real gem, there. The first switchblade I ever held was a green one just like that. My buddy's dad had picked it up in Mexico as a kid. I haven't seen one in over 20 years.
Jan 8, 2015