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Deciding on a type of knife to collect

I have collected knives, not seriously, for many years, but now I would like to create a collection that can be added to on a regular basis and that has some semblance of meaning to me.  I am thinking about concentrating on Trappers and Barlow as they appear to me to be what I like in a knife.  Does this make sense or is it better to just buy what you like when you see it?  It seems to me that if I concentrate on a particular type of knife I am not tied down to a particular brand.  My preference so far is Case, Rough Rider, and Boker.  That pretty much covers the world.  I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter and have you help me explore this huge subject.

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    Frank yanez

    Hello Mel I collect what I like  when I started collecting I bought any knife I could afford just to swell my numbers but I was not happy with them so I started collecting knives that made me proud of my collection.The way I see it is I love knives I have loved them since I can rember and It makes me strive to collect what I like and what I would make me look at my collection and be proud I now look at my collection and it makes me happy for doing so. My advice is collect what makes you happy and proud of your collection, but also research about knives  steel quality and whenever  read reviews the internet has a welth of info on knives. Good luck Mel I wish you all the happiness in collecting.

    A fello knife addict Frank 

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    Lars Ray

    Just like corporations do, one way to get started into collecting knives is to buy a collection. On y world, one of anything equals a collection, but if quantity is your game, then here is a great way to start. Check out this small Winchester pocket knife collection currently up for bid on Ebay (time stamped as of this posting):

    Who cares what others may think about the quality of Winchester knives in today's market...this is a great start! Not your gig? Part them out or sell the collection for a profit. 

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    Jan Carter

    Wow!  Lars, that is a great little collection and the box itself is collectible to me.  Sometimes picking up something like that and making just a few part of your collection and selling of the rest helps you afford to grow the collection.