Kershaw Collectors

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Do You Ride? What Kersahw goes best with a Hot Bike?

OK so your set for a ride, you threw a bag together and decide to hit the open search for a favorite Kershaw to take on the trip, what are packing?

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    Andy Moon


    Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said:

    Oh said "Hot Bike"...not "HotWheels Bike"!! LOL

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    love that Junkyard Dog !
    Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said:

    Well...for my badass ride...... I usually have my collapsible baton and my Kershaw Zero Tolerance 0300......and a healthy sense of humour! And yes...I do own that eBike. Rode it to work for a couple years.

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    of my Kershaw knives... the Rake.. the Junkyard Dog or blur would be good ones also. Scotts boot knife would be a top consideration too .kershaw rake.. special blade.