Knives of the Great Outdoors

A group dedicated to knives and equipment used by Scouts, Hikers, Fishers, Sailors and all the other outdoor adventurers.  A place to show off everything from  the knife in your bug-out bag to your tackle box. Or the knife you take on a day hike or climbing the Matterhorn.

A - Z Index, knives of the great outdoors

Pictures of Fishers, Scouts, Campers, Sailors and Hobos

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    Rome D. Rushing

    Here are a few Japanese camping knives.

    This first one has a screwdriver for a main blade.

    This one has a clip point for it's main blade.

    And this is a smaller one it is stamped Star * Lite/Japan

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    Rome D. Rushing

    Now for the fish knives.

    L.L. Bean

    Western Cutlery

    Prov. Cutlery

    This is another colonial but it is missing the handle cover from the other side.

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    Rome D. Rushing

    Here are a few boys knives/ camping knives I picked up the other day

    at a local indoor flea market.

    The first is a Sabre 619 stamped JAPAN.

    The next one is a Imperial USA Prov.R.I. With a  Kamp King shield.

    The next is a Colonial Prov. USA marked Mountain Guide. The shield and text were

    originally silver in color.