Beginner Collectors

Just started collecting? Want a place to learn and ask questions about our hobby? No dumb questions here.

Seasoned iKC collectors provide direction and help with basic questions

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    This area is under construction, but will be a safe place to ask questions about our hobby and learn from veteran iKC collectors
  • Anthony (ChanceToFade)

    I am I guess a beginner, because I just started collecting the "brand name" knives recently..

    My only problem is I'm so impatient. There's so many knives I want from so many companies, but I have to go one at a time. I guess everyone has this same problem. I like spyderco knives right now.

    I think I'm going to get a Benchmade and a Coldsteel next time I buy, which will be around late June - Mid July.

    This site is probably the best place on the internet for me to hang out. So many people with the same hobby..

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Anthony
    Thanks for hooking up with us here. I've been collecting as an adult now for going on 15 years and I learn everyday- seriously.
    Glad you like iKC.
  • Sam Gilbert (KunaiKnight)

    just like Ant I am also very impatient towards buying knives. I am only 12 so I can't earn a lot of money (i am earning more than my jobless 15 year old brother however), and therefore can't buy a lot of the knives I want, including Spyderco, Benchmade, Coldsteel and other high quality brand name knives.
  • Anthony (ChanceToFade)

    I got a job as a soccer ref when i was 12, and made about $500 in three months, and blew out the whole pay check each season on knives and other things related.

    Then i got a job as a sales associate and did that for 2 summers, and cashed half my check and dumped that dough on knives as well. I bought crap knives though, and now I will never buy a knife unless I first see reviews on it or im confident in the company ( I am in Spyderco now..)

    I got fired from that job. Basically I was having a really bad day and my assistant boss was making fun of me so I told him to Eff off, really loudly, on the floor. When i get a job this summer i gonna do lots of studying and make the best purchases i can.
  • Keelen Grimm

    KunaiKnight and Anthony,

    When you start collecting knives there is definitely an tendency to be impatient. When I first started getting into knives I would always think about the next one that I wanted to get. Even after I finally got the knife I wanted I would start think about the next one. There are a lot of young knife collectors here and it is an expensive hobby to start and continue.

  • Taylor Lorfing

    are there any good suggestions for someone who wants to buy a good and inexpensive balisong knife?
  • Anthony (ChanceToFade)

    Yeah check out Bear Balisongs or Jaguar balisongs, they ride a lot cheaper than the Benchmade models

    My recommendations for the begginer or novice collector...
  • Mike Bryant

    Well Said Scott

    I've been collecting a few years now; I am not a Knife Expert, just a Collector of Factory Manufactured Knives, in certain Brands, Handles & Patterns.

    I also believe most every Collector sooner or later will turn his hat from a Collector, to a Seller for at least a few of their knives.

    A wise man in my opinion, once wrote you should Buy The Best knives you can afford in what ever direction your cutlery collection goes.

    Decide early on as you said and stick with your choice.

    Quality knives tend to rise in value over the years. He also said it’s hard to buy JUNK Today and it be anything but Junk in the future.

    If Books are available for your particular collecting interest, I advise you to Purchase them, Read, Study, know what your buying. Especially if your Buying Older knives.

    I've seen many Collectors get burned epically on Ebay by paying Hundreds of Dollars for Counterfeit Fantasy, knives.
    Inpatients, Ignorance, & Unscrupulous sellers many times cost Collectors $$$. I wonder how many potential Collectors have been driven from the hobby by those I described above.

    A trusted Seller or Dealer is always a good choice to purchase from Purchase from others when you have gained sufficient knowledge of what your buying especially on line.
    Bottom Line like Scott says, like what you Buy, Buy what you like because, you may have it a long time especially if you intend to make a Profit.

    Scott if I can be of any help to anyone with my limited knowledge, I will be glad to help.
  • Manville D. Smith X

    i am 11 and have started a small collection of 1 benchmade nagara 1 spyderco delica 1 !!!!!!!!! in its rarest form i will trade for my new intrest the emerson CQC 8 or a horseman i will trade in a heartbeat for my delica it is limited to under 500 made from 1992-1994 my model was made my intrest is tactical folders cause i cannot carry a gun duh so a want a tactical folder for intimidation and knife to knife fights and i have taken martial arts training so i know how to fight with a knife cause a knife doesnt turn you into steven segal with his big ass mad dog atak 2 so does any one have suggestions on other tactical folders under or a little over 100 dollars exept the spyderco military and it has to have micarta or g10 prefferably g10 that is aggressively textured
  • Anthony G.

    Hey guys. I just want to say that this site is awesome. It reminds me of the original Facebook, before the owners sold it and it changed dramatically.

    I just started collecting knives recently. I started with a Gerber Gator model, meant for fishing. My next purchase was a Kershaw Blur Tanto. Sick-looking blade but not a great EDC, in my opinion. My most recent purchase has been a Spyderco Salt 1. I have yet to actually receive it, it's in the mail, but I'm really excited.

    On a related note, do any of you have professional knife sharpeners that you recommend? The Salt 1 has a rounded tip meant for rescue activity. I would like to take some steel off the top so the blade comes to a sharp point. If you have anyone you recommend, post on my page or send me a message. Thanks.
  • Jeff Chochinov

    i just started collecting knives too and i have a couple swiss army's and i have 2 really good folders, I have the kershaw scallion, and i have the spyderco endura 4 with the white frn handles, which is my display picture. I had a really cheap one before i got those and i sold it to my friend cuz he liked it.

    if you have any knives to recommend me getting give me a shout, right on my wall or send me a message,.....thanks!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Jeff
    Thanks for coming over. I'll be working on more good "stuff" for our group this week. If you know of other new collectors, pass the word. We'll have the best Group at iKC before it's over :)
  • Brady Townsend

    hey i have a a question about where to buy a knife like what web sites can i trust or what stores to go to
  • brenden carvalho(emokidbc)

    brady under knives knives and more knives i put up a forum for good online stores
  • Brady Townsend

    cool thanks man
  • Jeff Chochinov has good knives too

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    There is a Discussion going on here called Online Stores. Check it out. If you can't find it use the search at the top of the page on the right side.
  • Sohrab Sean Barfehi

    I hope this doesn't offend people who love law, but does anyone know of a site like, where the guy takes the Switchblades/OTF's and Balisongs apart before he ships it so that they don't seize the items during the shipping process. Since its legal to ship parts and I can build it at home. I don't take any of the knives out and usually after I'm bored of them I just dissemble them and glue them to a frame.. Kinda nerdy. But yeah anyone know a site like that? I've ordered like 15 things from that guy and I love it, but his collection is quite small compared to other places.. So I'm just wondering.
  • Jeff Chochinov

  • Sohrab Sean Barfehi

    They don't ship internationally. How do I get it to Canada 0.0
  • Jeff Chochinov

    i live in canada to but i dont think they ship there sorry
  • Brady Townsend

    i thought that if you owned a Switchblade it wasn't against the law just as long as you dont wak around with it in your pocket
  • Sohrab Sean Barfehi

    No it's completely illegal.. REALLY gay.. You can only carry fixed blade knives, upto 6inches, cant be concealed and I think 3 or 4" pocket knives.

    But thing is, I live in Toronto, which is the biggest city in Canada, and has like 10Million people.. So if I walk around showing 50% of my knife 0.0.. I'm going to get the cops on my ass, and where I live theres a shitload of racist cops.. I live near the rich areas, but I am in a poor area.. Like I could walk to a mansion in 10 mins, but I live in a crappy ass cochroach infested apartment.
  • Brady Townsend

    o yeah see i live in Maryland and here i can own a Switchblade (i bought one off line but i cant walk around out side with it i just leave it at home....although where i live the cops will take your knife if they think it looks cool because they want it for them self doesn't matter if its illegal blade or not . 6 mouths ago a cop took my spyderco cara cara which i know is a legal knife( i bought a new one lol )
  • Taylor Lorfing

    JT what was the name of the automatic knife? i already have one (italian milano stiletto) but that one looks cool
  • Taylor Lorfing

    yea switchblades are illigal but that wont stop me hehe...
  • Les Swalm

    I have been collecting for a few years. I favor fixed blade hunting but have quite a few tactical something about a well made knife in the hand. I do not believe in not using my knives I feel whats the point of a collection if your not having fun. Love Lansky Sharperners but I do try not to sharpen a knife unless it is flat out dull. I am now collecting more folders and have started into more clasical folders bought by first Case by Tony Bose.

    A. G. Russell knives are a great place to learn and see various makers and styles of knives. Also for custome knives go to very cool knives.
  • Les Swalm

    There is agreat book for what is legal and not legal by states call "Knife Laws of the Fifty States" and you can get it cheap at I was really shocked at how many states bare assisted(and I do not mean switchblade) type knives so really be carefull out there.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Thanks, Les. Good suggestion.
  • Sohrab Sean Barfehi

    Les, I have the same sharpener.. It doesn't get my knives razor sharp.. I want them to be so sharp that when you push down hard enough you just bleed. Is it possible? (Don't laugh! I'm pretty new to knives!) But yeah I got the Lansky sharpener for free when I bought one of my survival knives.. Is there a certain amount of pressure you should use?
  • Les Swalm

    If you want razor sharp with any sharpener you want a diamond shapener Lansky has Diamond panels you can get. Is force an issue not sure I do use some force but not really had you can send your knife out to have a pro do it check the internet or the company who manufactured your knife they will gladly do some for nothing just shipping cost.

  • KnifeMaker

    Nick Arsenault

    i have the same sharpener but its a gatco i have yet to profect it but im getting there... some one did a you tube vid on ittry searching "Lansky sharpener"

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Welcome Evyn
    What type knives are you into the most? We have about every type of knife guy/gal there is here. Glad you joined us.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Good suggestion Brian. I agree 100% and love to look through my knife books. I like them for cutlery history as much as I do the knives themselves.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Frazer- Welcome!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Gave a knife to my oldest daughter (pink Spyderco) but couldn't get here to join iKC :( It was her first knife.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Duncan. Glad to have you here.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Guys- J T, our fellow collector here, had some recommendations in a YTvideo on first knives. Check it out.
  • Debbie Hardin

    as i am new to this type of collecting i know there are a lot of brands out there but i lean toward Case because that is what my pop always carried and what we always bought him for birthday and Christmas, since he has died every time i see a Case knife it reminds me of him, which is a good thing. not sure if that is a good enough reason, but it is a start. i also choose the ones that catch my eye . feel like if i have them displayed they might as well have something to get your attention.