
342354532_617980287067989_4717806788741583623_n (2)

  • KnifeMaker

    Andy Larrison

    All 4 are extremely bad a$$ looking.  Can you give some information on them?  Maker, materials, sheaths....just so, so cool.  Thanks so much for sharing them.

  • KnifeMaker

    Alexander Åhl

    Thank you! I am the maker of all 3 knives(however the blade on 1 of the knives is made by Vladic Daniluk and the two other blades are a teamwork between me and Mattias styrefors)
    Sheats are made from rawhide leather with inlays of engraved mammoth tusk. The handle is mostly made from mammoth tusk. Some of the pieces in the handles are snakewood/sallow burl.

  • KnifeMaker

    Andy Larrison

    Beautiful work!  Thanks again for sharing.