David P. Baker


Bedford, IN

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
26 years or more
Favorite Kind of Knives
Trappers and Fixed Blades
About Me
I am a 52 year old Custom Knife Maker who use Gemstone for handle materials. Married and three kids.
Knives and Motorcycles
Other Hobbies
Guns and Knives collecting

Comment Wall:

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey David. Thanks for joining us and for adding our photo! Look forward to sharing your knife experience with us here. If you haven't noticed yet, check out the knife makers group.
    If I can help you in any way, give me a shout.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Yes, we do. Thanks for the offer. I'll check it out.
  • Terry Barkes

    Nice looking work there David. It's good to see another Indiana maker on line. Great job


  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Good work on the knives on your website. Love the natural handle materials.
  • Charles Ray Wagnor

    Your work is breath taking David, I do have something you might be interested, As a kid 50 years ago, we used to bait our trotlines and bank lines out with muscles, These muscles were on Lake Nasworthy in San Angelo, Texas. Supposedely the home of the Concho Pearls, I have a sack of them, My Dad allways sold the large ones to help pay the bills, but I got to keep all the small ones. Don't know if they could ever be used in a knife or knot. Something to think about though. Any way have admired your work ever since I saw some of it in Sharpsfans
  • Charles Ray Wagnor

    David, I am headed to Bloomington this wkend to go fishing, How
    far away from you will I be, if your home
  • Charles Ray Wagnor

    Friend of mine is taking me over to Sosberry to go fishing on a private lake, leaving in the morning early, and going down there, staying friday, sat, and sunday morning. Have your phone number now and will call you. Wife gets home from work in about an hour or so and will hunt up them pearls,
    This way you could look at the crop and see what you can think up.