Robert Hale


Lemoyne, PA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
3- 5 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
unusually shaped knives
About Me
I am the owner of Iron City Blades, a small online knife retailer.
Family, Hunting, Fishing, Cooking, Knives

Comment Wall:

  • Doug Scearce

    Welcome Robert to iKC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Robert Hale

    Thanks for the warm welcome, I look forward to hanging around for a while. I've been meaning to join here since the site came up....

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Robert-
    Thanks for joining our knife community. Think you will like it here as you spend more time getting to know the place. Got a lot of nice knife folks- of all ages and knife interests. If I can help out, let me know.
  • Robert Hale

    That's great! Feel free to look around. Our website doors are always open.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Howdy Robert,
    Welcome to iKC.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Man you are all over the web. I see your trail 'bout everywhere I go. FB, YouTube, your sites, iKC, CNJ....AAPK, plus I'm sure many others.....everywhere. You are a busy man and are doing a great job using social media to market and increase your brand's awareness. You are what textbooks call an "early adapter in the industry"

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    well, yea I get around, that's how I know you've already been there :)