Jesse Kinman

39, Male

Palm City, FL

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
1-2 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Mine (Kinman Knives), other hand-made & customized knives.

I've seen alot of knice knives, and some that I really like the looks of, but I haven't handled many good quality ones, just seen a whole lotta pictures.
About Me
I started making knives in Feb.08, and have made 17 to date.
I Don't make my own blades yet, but plan to eventually.

I would rather make a few or more Mercedes' than to mass-produce Volkswagons. Nothing against Volkswagon, but I think you know what I mean

I have a big imagination as far as knives I would like to make, but putting those ideas into an actual knife is easier said than done, but I'm learning as I go.

My collection is very small but growing, So far I haven't been able to afford many knives but Chinese, and ones I've made!

Want to know anything else, just ask.
Knifemaking, Luthier work, woodworking, etc.
Other Hobbies
Tennis, Golf,
Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo,
Playing & singing real Gospel Bluegrass,
King James Bible AV 1611

Comment Wall:

  • Brian Davis

    Wellcome to iKC hope you join us in the chat some time.
    I am a knife maker as well.

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    Hey Jesse! you made it!!! glad to have you here bud!! you are going to learn alot!! if you need anything, or have a question just let me know!!
  • Andy Voelkle "AxeMan"

  • J.J. Smith III

  • Eugene Coates Smith Jr

    Glad to see another knifemaker in the group! WELCOME!!!
  • Frank Evans

    Welcome To iKC…… Please visit often and you cannot contribute too much to the discussions, questions, knowledge base or photos…. If you have a passion for knives you have found a home. Great folks, always willing to help regardless if you are a tactical fan, folder fan, custom fan or maker… there’s something here, especially great knives and a support network to help you hone your collection, trade your collection or broaden your collection… AND yes I have the hat on so I can be more like our beloved leader Scott!
  • Ross Tyser

    Thanks for the good words on my knives. The steak knives were a custom order for a client that brokers African Safaris. That set went for $2,200.00 which when you break it down was really a great value.
  • Larry A. Brown


    Thanks for the welcome. I already enjoyed looking at your knives...Larry
  • Randy, HHH Knives

    Thanks for the friend request. And the kind words on the trapper!
  • Eugene Coates Smith Jr

    Hi Jesse...thanks for adding me as a friend!

  • Eugene Coates Smith Jr

    thanks Jesse...had a great day!


  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    hey Jesse, nice photo! you look all grown up!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    About "your" knife :) - A. G. Russell told me last week, they are a few weeks behind coming in. I'll let you know, plus, I'll post a pic of it in our blog here.
  • Gerald Hines

    Happy Birthday

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Yeap it is your day today. Happy one to you!