Jeffrey P Dinkins

Saint Louis, MO

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
26 to 30 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Folding knives
About Me
40 year old father of five (5)
I have been collecting since I was 8 yrs old
Long time collector of folding pocket knives
lately interested in daggers and swords
Always looking for old ll bean and Missouris cutlery co. knives

Comment Wall:

  • Gary Kennedy

    welcome to IKC

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Jeffrey

    Thanks for joining our community. I think you'll like it here as you spend time getting to know us- gotta a good group of folks here of all knife interests. The Groups (see main menu) are more specialized groups of members based on types of knives, and the like.

    If you have any questions, let me know.



  • Gerald Hines

    Welcome to iKnife.

  • KnifeMaker

    Greg Riggs

    Welcome Jeffery!
  • J.J. Smith III

  • Mark Zalesky

    Hi Jeffrey!

    GAKC, that was a long time ago. Still have a lot of friends up in that part of the world, and a lot of fond memories from that time. Your name is familiar, but putting a face to it... not sure. You wouldn't be the guy who collected Witte Hardware, would you?


  • Mark Zalesky

    I have a good memory for some things, but a very poor memory for others (just ask my wife!) For some reason my memory seems to work best on good old rusty knives. I don't remember the knife roll incident but am glad that it worked out for you!
    Speaking of remembering old rusty knives, do you still have the old Norvell Shapleigh whittler I sold you, the one with the etched handles? Wish I had a photo of that knife...
  • Mark Zalesky

    The knife I'm thinking of had steel handles etched with a guy racing along in an early motorcar, and the devil standing there shaking his fist at him on one side. Had a broken blade. I can't remember for sure who I sold it to, but I was thinking it was you. You'll remember it if it was, a very distinctive knife!

    I hear rumors of lots of books, but most of them never come to fruition. Have not heard anything on a Missouri knives book. A fellow out here collects and has advertised for M.C. Co. = Meriden Cutlery knives, but I don't think he's working on a book (could be wrong).

    Saw a real nice Barnsley Brothers the other day, and passed on it as I don't have customers for them anymore. Know anybody who's hot for Barnsley Bros.?

  • Mark Zalesky

    Let's continue this conversation via email -- easier for me. Send a note to knifepub at