Morrie Mayfield


Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
26 to 30 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Factory Folders
Case and Great Eastern Cutlery
About Me
I'm 66 years old, I live in Seattle (a real hotbed of Knive Collecting??????????).I am married with two grown girls and three Grandchildern. I am the poorest Knife Collecter in the entire World!!!!
Knives, Knives, & Knives.
Guns, Cars, Cooking, & Ebay.
Other Hobbies
Coin Collecting.

Comment Wall:

  • Randy, HHH Knives

    Welcome to iKC!

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

  • Randy, HHH Knives

    LOL. tell me about it! I cant spell grate either! LOL

    Have fun and if you need any help finding your way around just ask..


  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    thanks Morrie! your father and my father said the same things!! lol
    Have a Merry Christmas!!
  • J.J. Smith III

  • J.J. Smith III

    Come on up and sit up-wind. We can both be poor...
    I've got some stove wood that you can make into shavings.
    Welcome again to iKC. Take some time and look around a bit.
    Join a group or 3, upload some pics, load a pic for your page.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Morrie
    Thanks for joining our knife community. It doesn't matter where you live to play knives with us here :)
    If you have any questions, as you are getting settled in, please let me know. And check out the GEC and Case Fan clubs here. Look under Groups and search.
  • Morrie Mayfield

    Thank you Scott.
    Iv'e already had some fun with you sitr!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks again,

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    HEY! i thought I was the poorest collector!!! lol!
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Welcome to the Great Eastern Cutlery Group. We're glad you joined us. Like you I'm a Case and Great Eastern Cutlery Collector. I like the Great Eastern Knives so much I became a distributor for them. Our oldest son at one time worked in Spokane and on one of our trips to visit them we flew into Seattle and spent a few days and took in a ballgame while there, had a great time. Again welcome to the group. Scott King has done a fantastic job with iKC.
  • Frank Evans


    Welcome to iKC! And Merry Christmas Morning! I hope you find this site as fun and exciting as I have… I started in September and found a warm group of like minded friends… We trade ideas, products, learn of trend in collecting, and generally express ideas and learn. There are some great mind here that are contributors. Scott is brilliant and I see such names as A. G. Russell on post…. So this is a major forum that’s impacting this passion…. Jump in and enjoy… Please friend me and stay in contact!
  • Frank Evans

    if there is a poorest knife collector contest here.... I'm right there in the running.... September blew my 2010 budget with some GEC and Queen knives.

  • Frank Evans


    I monitor eBay a lot. in fact I blog on the suject. What are you looking for and I can birddog whatever might interest you. I got a frind one night two tony bose Case knives the sold just under $300 each from disount iretailers for $40 each. It's a case of watching a lot. I use to sell on eBay but between me and eBay and thier new proceedures with paypal as a totally owned subsidary, they cost me $1,600 refunding shipped product that I never recoved and then when I purchased $2,360 one night off a credit card not bank draft from 8 sellers the debited me both ways through the bankand CC. Master Card made it good but they ran the bank drafts through three more times costing me over $1,00 in bank fees. So Beware....let me know what you are looking for... I just put scottt on a mOP ET comming up that looked seet case xx
  • Frank Evans

    $1,000 in bank fee oopps
  • Andy Voelkle "AxeMan"

    Is there a contest for "poorest knife collector"? If so, I'm in. welcome to our knife-poor society.
  • Morrie Mayfield

    I have a Dollar in my wallet that says I'm the poorest knife collector in the Universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That's my knife collecting money for Jan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Gerald Hines

    Happy Birthday
  • Gary Norton

    Thanks Morrie. Hope all is well. Stay dry.
  • Gary Norton

    A very bad catastrophe . It shows how fast things can change.
  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday Morrie!!!!
  • Jan Carter

    Hey Morrie, How is life?

    Are you interested in the 2011  IKC/GEC knife?  Let me know

  • Ron Cooper