Hey John
Thanks for joining our collector community. Think you'll like it here as you spend time getting to know us. Got a good group of knife folks of all knife interests who call iKC home.
If you have any questions as you look around, please let me know.
Thanks Jeff. For a custom knife that a person is going to wear (carry) I think the sheath is just as important, both in terms of function and appearance, as the knife.
J.J. Smith III
Feb 9, 2010
Wayne Whitted
Feb 10, 2010
Randy, HHH Knives
Feb 10, 2010
In Memoriam
Scott King
Thanks for joining our collector community. Think you'll like it here as you spend time getting to know us. Got a good group of knife folks of all knife interests who call iKC home.
If you have any questions as you look around, please let me know.
Feb 11, 2010
CaptJeff Saylor
Feb 12, 2010
John Lovell
Feb 13, 2010
Gerald Hines
Jan 5, 2011
Ron Cooper
Jan 5, 2013