Jim Prather

81, Male

Moore, Oklahoma

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
46 to 50 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Case Seahorse, Case Sway Back Jack... Just about anything with a Wharncliffe blade.

My Photobucket pics:

More Photobucket Pics:
About Me
I am old and crazy. I am medicated at all times of the day. I have been known to wear the same clothes for an entire space shuttle mission. I am caucasion, and Episcopal. I like Fords, and Ford products. I don't like rude people. I don't like people who hurt animals... (BAD, Michael Vic, BAD BOY!) I don't care for people who bite other people. That's just uncalled for!
I like knives. Knives of all kinds, although I collect mostly Case knives, and anything I can get for free. I especially like anything that Bob Picklesimer puts out. And yes, he IS my little brother! Can YOU spell Picklesimer?
It's time for my medication.
Knife making... I hung up my belt sander several years ago. Race cars (I used to race sports cars), airplanes, former pilot, former scuba diver, collect antique marbles and military patches and American coins, photography. Guns and shooting. NOT killing, but shooting. And if it's very still, I can pretty well drill it! I used to love to bass fish, but I don't get out of the house any more... except to go to the doctor.
I'm also interested in life. It's a hoot! Although I look at death as a promotion in life...
Other Hobbies
Collecting antique marbles. Collecting Patches. Collecting cook books. I even wrote and had one published.
Ham Radio. I have talked to people in almost every country in the world. I was one of the first "Dirty Dozen" Ham Operators in Oklahoma city. That was in 1959.
I live in Moore, Oklahoma. The tornado capitol of the known universe. Tornados are a hobby to EVERYONE in Moore, Oklahoma. Seriously, I have my own weather station, and I report to the NWS in Norman, Ok. I am also a member of http://www.tornadovideos.net/ It's a GREAT forum for anyone interested in extreme weather.

Comment Wall:

  • J.J. Smith III

    Well hello there Jim. Kind of partial to a Wharncliffe Whittler, myself. Good to have you here.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Jim
    Interesting person you are. Though I don't believe we have met yet, I feel I do know you after reading your profile. Thanks for taking the time and energy to introduce yourself to the community.

    You will fit in well here- we have old folks too :). Take your time and look around. If you have questions as you get settled in, let me know.
    JJ calls me the Mayor, well I'm not- but do have a special interest in our community here.

    Looking forward to you sharing your knife experience. We have a lot of new collectors here and while they may have a different leaning as to the type of knife they prefer, they are good folk too.
  • J.J. Smith III

    That's Uncle Wiskers' (no "h"). LOL (Long story.)
    I picked up the RRVKA Seahorse from a friend in Texas, and that's one that won't be used or sold. With all of yours, you won't miss not having that one, too much, will you.

    BTW, don't let Scott fool you, He's the Mayor allright. He runs a real nice town here.
  • J.J. Smith III

    You're getting tempting...However I'll stay away from GM ("Government" Motors) products, for the forseeable future.

    How about a counter offer...

    You call the local FORD TRUCK dealer, let me sign for it and I'll break it in by driving the knife to Oklahoma, for you. (Save on the postage.)

  • Fred Feightner

    You got it, Uncle Jim! That will be fun...thanks.
  • J.J. Smith III

    I'm also to have My EDC Seahorse, some peach pits and a sharpening stone.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Well, the F150 is my dream "car". Had 2 in the past and want another before the government forces them to quit being made.
    Your dream car looks cool but it looks like I'd need to step up, just to get out of it.
    I got 2 store-bought hips and the extra height helps...
  • J.J. Smith III

    Hey Jim,
    This is what we use for plates, down at the diner...

  • J.J. Smith III

    "Govt. Motors" and Ford in bed togather...that has to be an April Fools Day joke. In poor taste too.
    With all that you've got kicking on you, I can see your need for pain meds. Hope your surgery, tomorrow, is a success.
  • J.J. Smith III

    I'm sorry.
    Please excuse me.
    I had to go out and howl at the moon.
    WOW, atsa nice truck.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Hey Buddy.
    How ya been doing. (Healing up ok?)
    Went to the mountains last week, couldnt find any new Seahorses. Going back next week, then on to Pennsylvania the following week. Maybe I'll have a little luck.
  • J.J. Smith III

    When I grow up...I wanna be just like you.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Plan on livin' fer a LONG, long time.
  • Rodney Smith

    She went diving and left you home with liquifood?? I hope it was a better brand of beer...
    Take care, my friend.
  • Perry Miller

    Hey Jim,
    Good to see you here! Hoopefully I'll be able to vist you from time to time.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Jim
    Sorry for falling in a hole since you replied back to my post on the speeding tickets.
    But..do you have any pics of your awful sounding wreak you described or is there a link someone on the web to it? Thanks goodness you survived.
  • Lynn

    Hey Jim, Catie is doing great got her back home today let her go to Kenner for a couple days and visit some friends we have down there! Was on the phone this morning with Bob and we're working on something for Catie don't know what just yet but we'll come up with something soon!! Take care UJ and give Ain't Donna a hug for us both......

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    I can't imagine- the wreak or the body cast....sorry, but glad you're still with us!
  • J.J. Smith III

    Just got off the front porch and had a thought...
    I know you're real tight with the folks at CASE, has anyone there ever considered a Seahorse Jr ? Something in the 3 1/8 to 3 1/2 inch range would sure look good.
    Any thoughts on the idea.

    (Sometimes I think too much.)
  • J.J. Smith III

    Well like I said, sometimes I think too much.
  • Michael D Sabol

    thanks and you're welcome for the invite...your knives are really nice also..is that stone working on some of them??..when i go to arizona this christmas i'm goinn to get a turquoise handled knife!..they're beautiful!
  • Michael D Sabol

    i can see he does beautiful work!...i'll check out his site
  • Gary Kennedy

    Happy Birthday
  • Jim Prather

    Thanks folks, for all the great Birthday wishes. What a GREAT day! Picklesimer made me a Yellow handled Seahorsie, and a slick black one, both with old pinned on shields! They look kind'a like a new Mustang, Cuda, or Camaro. Modern, but nostalgic. They are STUNNING!
    Love to all... Jim
    PS... It's also my 40th wedding Anniversary. And there has not EVER been an incident where one of us put the other in the hospital. Well, not YET!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Sorry for my tardiness, but it is still today, so I guess I made it after all. Happy Happy B'day!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Happy Birthday Jim!!
  • Billy Oneale

    Happy Birthday, Jim
  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday Jim
  • Ron Cooper

  • Sue OldsWidow

  • stephen tungate

  • Jan Carter

  • Billy Oneale

    Happy Birthday, Jim.