Frank Plant


Rockmart, GA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
1-2 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Case knives...Especially Seahorse Whittlers
About Me
Starting a knife collection for my 11 yr. old grandson.
Primitive Antiques
Other Hobbies
Dog rescue

Comment Wall:

  • J.J. Smith III

    Howdy Frank,
    Glad you moved in. I'm sure that your Grandson is proud of his knives. How about some photos?

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Frank
    Just wanted to stop by and say, Welcome. Glad you joined our collector community. Check out the Beginner Collectors Group. Some good stuff there.
    If I can help you in any way, including figuring out how to upload your picture, just let me know.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Nothing really beats a good "Elberta".

    I'm having trouble finding good pits, this year. Most all of the local varieties have split pits inside. No agronomist, but I believe that a frost/freeze got to them, early on. Just e-mailed the SCDA and asked them about it. I'll wait to see what they say.

    The ones from out west were picked too green and have soft/white pits.
    (Not good for carving.)

    The ones that I got from Chile, around January, were far superior, nice pits.
  • Gary Kennedy

    Hi Frank glad you joined and your in my neck of the woods if you need help with your grandson collection let me know what you are looking for and I might be able to help . Every go to any gun show around here you might find me there selling knives
  • Gary Kennedy

    I think the next one that I will be at is the Eastman Gun Show at North Atlanta trade Center on Oakbrook Pkwy on June 26 & 27 call me at 770-231-7287 when you come and I will be watching for ya'll
  • J.J. Smith III

    Sounds good.
    Don't think I wont take you up on it
  • Fred Feightner

    Hey Frank,

    It's great to have you as part of the Case fans group! Lots of great people on here. Enjoy!

  • J.J. Smith III

    It all depends on the way the pits look. I can do baskets out of most any size pit. I've carved olive and cherry pits into baskets. I've found that onle 5-10% of pits make good monkeys. It really all depends on the shape and texture of them. Split pits come from pits that had been hit by a freeze when they were immature. Sometimes I can find things to carve out of the split pieces...

  • J.J. Smith III

    My wife thinks I'm nuts. When ever I get another peach pit, I have to check it out to see if I "see" anything in it. I guess that pics aten't that much different.
    Looking at the ones that you've assembeled, I saw potential "faces" on the ones pointed out. Nice shapes for baskets. Need to check out the texture for monkeys though.

  • J.J. Smith III

    Well familiar with the crazy look, (30 yrs experiance myself).
    We picked up some that looked better too. Peach festivals are comming up soon.
    I really think that you'll like the Seahorse.
  • Leo (Smitty) Smith

    Thanks for the kind words Frank.I also like the older and newer Case Knives For that matter I like all Case knives!
  • Chase Williams

    My job is great. I get to see them and play with them before they go into the catalogs. Sometimes even before they are made. I knew nothing about knives other than they were sharp and used to cut things before I started working here. Boy has my world changed. There is so much to learn from people like A.G. and Goldie Russell. You won't regret getting the catalog. Look forward to talking with you.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Good to have you back.
    Thanks again for the shipment...
    Tell the Mrs. that they came from the ones that you sent, so they are Georgia peach pits.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Hey Frank,
    Now that you've got a bakers dozen Seahorses, how bout some pics?
    I love looking at them even if they aren't mine. LOL
  • J.J. Smith III

    LOOKIN' GOOD !!!
  • Michael D Sabol

    ya no problem and that's awesome that your grandson is collecting them with you..that's what this hobby needs you know?!...we need as many young collectors as we can get to carry on the hobby..i try to influence my friend to collect knives...i already have and he has an account on this website--he's tyler r roush; check out his page!---MDS

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    hey Frank, what is the Club Packet that you are talking about in the Case Group? How do i get one?

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    hey Frank been looking at your pics, and i saw some of your comments on the Seahorse group. you do some good work! i have been making fixed blade knives for awhile, and just got into rehandling some folders. so far its been fun! i am just doing some cheap knives i get on ebay! i was wondering if you had any tips or tricks that you could share with someone who is just getting into folders. i would appreciate any advice you have!

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    thanks for your comment on my video Frank! i appreciate your compliment, and am looking forward to seeing more of your work!

  • J.J. Smith III

    Hey Frank, We got BIG peaches !!!

  • Frank Plant

    Now, that's a big peach...You outta whittle a big ole monkey out of that one!
  • J.J. Smith III

    In the comment box click the camera icon. Then load the pic directly from you computer file. NICE work on the Pink Pearl.
  • Gary Kennedy

    have very happy day
  • falah gumilar

    Hi Frank
    Now that's explain where those beautiful handles came from! you did great job!
    I'm just starting on my Slipjoint collection, haven't found my fav yet, but any style of traditional Slipjoints always got in to me. not too many choices tough, since it's very hard to find a store in Indonesia that sell such a knives (it's all tactical here...sigh), so i have to bought them on the net, but am not complaining..just taking it easy as it goes, enjoying every knife hunting i do....:).

    God Bless
  • J.J. Smith III

    Yep, CASE done locked them up in solitary for a spell. Been under the weather for a spell, you post any pics of the Mammoth Ivory Seahorse?

    It IS peach season in Chile' . Saw some in Wally World for 89 cents a pound, today. Need to wait a few weeks though, to get the ones from mid to late season crop.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Doin' much better this week.
    Hope you saved a pic. Wasn't to impressed with the ivory, that I've seen from CASE. Think that it would take a custom handle job to make them match well.

    (The Mrs picked me up a half dozen Chilean peaches just yesterday.) carvin a arrow through the heart whimsey for her, for valentines day. (I'm cheep, but she likes the hand-carved stuff, so it works out in the long run.)

    Take care, buddy.
  • stephen tungate

  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday
  • stephen tungate

    frank how much are your sea horses ?

  • Ron Cooper

    Hey, Frank!

    First off...Happy Birthday!

    And, second...I may have to buy a new keyboard.

    Why, you might ask?

    Because I drooled all over it while I was admiring your Seahorsies!

    Truly outstanding, my friend!

  • Jan Carter

  • stephen tungate