Stan Payne

Deatsville, AL

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
21- 25 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Any kind of good quality hunting knife.
About Me
My name is Stan Payne and I have been flintknapping for 18 years. I now build "Custom" art knifeworks. I sign and number each one and to date, have made 172 all different and unique knives. They come WITH their own custom display stand and a "COA", Certificate of Authentication. I hope you enjoy my artwork. Stan Payne
Flintknapping, artifact hunting, "Primitive" bow hunting, and all Indian lore.
Other Hobbies
I donate the proceeds of some of my work each year to the American Cancer Society. In 2009, I raised 1,100 dollars from one sale at my annual event. My buisness name was put on the "Relay for Life" T-Shirt this year, Flint Stone and Bone

Comment Wall:

  • Randy, HHH Knives

  • J.J. Smith III

  • Stan Payne

    Thanks JJ, I have recieved a warm welcome already. Glad I joined. Stan Payne

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Stan
    Cool knives you make! Thanks for joining our knife community. I think you'll like it here. As you are looking around if you have any questions, please let me know.
  • Frank Evans


    Welcome to iKC! And Merry Christmas Morning! I hope you find this site as fun and exciting as I have… I started in September and found a warm group of like minded friends… We trade ideas, products, learn of trend in collecting, and generally express ideas and learn. There are some great mind here that are contributors. Scott is brilliant and I see such names as A. G. Russell on post…. So this is a major forum that’s impacting this passion…. Jump in and enjoy… Please friend me and stay in contact!
  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday
  • Ron Cooper

  • Sue OldsWidow

    Welcome Back

  • Clint Thompson

    Welcome Stan!  Hope to see you on the blog.

  • KnifeMaker


    Stan, that is some good looking stone. do you mind if i ask whst it

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)