Andre de villiers



South Africa

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
21- 25 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Folders , tactical fixed, and damacus knives,tomahawks
About Me
I have been makeing knives fulltime since 1990, and am a member of the south african knifemakers guild.
I enjoy tactical folders as well as fixed blades , and hunters too.
I spent 3 years in the SADF, in a specialised unit, and it is here that I developed a interest in knives as well as guns.
I have my own hunting ranch here in South Africa , so get to test my knives in all sorts of conditions
Hunting, long range shooting, guns, 4x4 s, quad bikes.
Wildlife and the outdoors are a great passion of mine.
Other Hobbies
Fishing, jet sking, as well as diveing and spearfishing

Comment Wall:

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

  • J.J. Smith III

  • Andre de villiers

    Hi Jenna, thanks very much
    Thats some very pretty mammoth tooth on that knife!!
    Regards, Andre

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Thanks for the comment on my page and I'm glad you like it here. Appreciate you jumping right in by loading up some of your work. Nice knives!
    If you haven't already, check out the Knifemakers Group here too.
    If you have any questions about iKC, let me know.
  • Warren L. Strout

    Hi Andre - Welcome to the EDC Club. I am glad you joined us. You have a couple of folders that look like they would be good candidates for EDC., they are very nice! We are having cold and snow here right now. I hope your weather is much better! Have a great day. "Lonewolf"
  • Andre de villiers

    Thanks for the kind comments on my knives.I also use my knives a lot on the ranch, so are always looking at ways to improve them.Hey maybe we can start a discussion as to what people want on a EDC knife, and see if I can make something up??
    Gee your weather does not sound good there hey, its about 35 deg here today, such is Africa :}
    Have a great weekend!!
  • Warren L. Strout

    Good morning Andre - In answer to your question on my edc - in my right pocket I carry a lock blade Swiss Army Knife which also has a very handy saw in it, that cuts very well. On my belt right side I carry either a Chris Reeve, or a Dave Ricke lock back folder. Of course on some days I vary this. Hope you have a great day. "Lonewolf"

  • KnifeMaker

    Nick Arsenault

    do you make your knives from scratch or do you buy kits and throw ur own twist in them? ether way they look cool...

  • KnifeMaker

    Nick Arsenault

    wow thats awsome... hay could you post picks of your shop? or a around the shop video?
  • Randy, HHH Knives

    Hello, Yes I love to hunt. everything from squirrels to deer. Its hunting season here in MI. My favorite time of the year.. The air is crisp and the leaves are in there fall beauty.. I really enjoy his time of year,. for all these reasons.

    Thanks for checking out my knives.. and for the kind comment.
    Randy, HHH Knives
  • Gerald Hines

    Happy Birthday
  • Bob Robinson

    I enjoyed your pictures of wildlife and your knives, good looking work.

  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday

  • johnny twoshoes

    Andre, it's awesome to have you in the Arsenal.

    I know that as a fellow hunter you should have an awesome opinion on a few guns. Thanks for joining.

  • Ron Migdal (a.k.a. tower)

    Andre, how much to buy the Ronin Fighter from you directly?  She's a beauty!

  • Ron Cooper

  • Jan Carter


    Happy Birthday my friend.  I hope all is well in your part of the world.  Any good hunts lately?

  • Sue OldsWidow

  • Ricky Colbrook

    Hi Andre, I like your Work. I have a Pathfinder on my website now. Thanks, Ricky

  • Ron Cooper

  • Jan Carter