Jim Walker

Redwood City, CA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
16- 20 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
custom, WWII, marbles
About Me
I like knives
fixing and making knives

Comment Wall:

  • Randy, HHH Knives

    Jim, I just wanted to say HI and

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

  • J.J. Smith III

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Jim
    Do you have an old MSA elephant toenail? Just dropping by to say thanks for joining our community!
  • Frank Evans

    Hello Jim,

    Welcome to iKC! And Merry Christmas Morning! I hope you find this site as fun and exciting as I have… I started in September and found a warm group of like minded friends… We trade ideas, products, learn of trend in collecting, and generally express ideas and learn. There are some great mind here that are contributors. Scott is brilliant and I see such names as A. G. Russell on post…. So this is a major forum that’s impacting this passion…. Jump in and enjoy… Please friend me and stay in contact!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Happy B'day Jim!
  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday
  • Ron Cooper

  • Jan Carter

  • Ron Cooper

  • Max McGruder

    Happy Birthday!

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)