Frank Evans


Kingstree, SC

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
3- 5 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Schatt & Morgan
Great Eastern Cutlery
About Me
A family friend and widely known Case expert Tony Foster created my curiosity in collecting. It''s a family thing with my 8 year old son. I'm 51 and came late to this fatherhood thing and have found that this hody is a great one to get you children intersted in and enjoy with you. As a bonuss you just might have a nice little collection to leave with them when that day comes.
My son
Other Hobbies
I go 4 wheeling with my son and care for my aging parents.

Comment Wall:

  • Jim Prather

    Hey, Frank... It's always great to have new friends.

    Here's some of what I collect. I have a LOT of catching up to do in adding photos.
    Love to all... Uncle Jim

    My Photobucket Links:

    More knives. Some I've made:
  • Stan Payne

    Frank, my site is Stan
  • Angelina B

    Thanks a bunch, Frank! BTW, Love the hat!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    LOL....I was reading a guy's comments and saw one you wrote. I'm still LOLing. It was the one where you say you are wearing a hat like "our beloved leader......" LOL~!
  • Ross Tyser

    When is the auction? I will ask around, how do they get in touch with you?
  • Steve Pfeiffer


    I have never seen one of those, though I have seen other Case throwing knives. . Katie Shonts at Case may be the one to ask about that one.
  • Gary Everhart

    Glad to be aboard, hope I can contribute as well as I profit from the wealth of information here
  • Angelina B

    OH, I do not miss snow! Right now I'm in Raleigh, NC. Went to the Dixie Gun and Knife Show here last week. I forget how much I love the "south."

    I love IKC! It's so cool to meet people from all over with a passion for knives. I've been eyeing a few Bokers lately. Just can't quite pull the trigger yet!

    In any case, hope you're well. Gotta cheer on my Saints today!
  • Steve Pfeiffer

    That folding stag knife is real and a rare though not extremely rare knife...I think the model number was 551. I have seen 3-4 of them on ebay in recent years. Some of the books do show it.
  • Gary L. Stalter

    Frank, I'm working in TX right now so I won't be in Charleston..

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Happy Happy B'day Frank!
  • Gary Kennedy

    HAPPY B'DAY Frank
  • Gerald Hines

    Happy Birthday
  • lee amer

    iam back ,been sick,everthing for sale
  • robert david

    Do you know if there will be 2011 KNCA club knifes. If so I would want to purchase one. Bob
  • stephen tungate

  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday
  • Billy Oneale

  • Ron Cooper

  • Jan Carter

  • stephen tungate

    have a nice birthday....

  • Ron Cooper

  • Jan Carter

  • Max McGruder

    Happy Birthday!