Jan Carter

Hiawassee, GA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
From a dear friend
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
56 to 60 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Queen, Case Classic, GEC, Custom...heck I like 'em all
About Me
My Husband Donnie and I live in Hiawassee GA. I was Blessed to have found iKC and became the owner in October of 2012. I believe all knife collectors are created equal, no matter what type they collect. iKC brings a different direction to knife collecting in my opinion, you may not personally like something or have an issue with a particular company. But respect is a substantial aspect of what we are about. I have a strong faith and believe everyone is entitled to theirs.
History, fishing, Diving, knife collecting and about a billion other things LOL. My main interest these days is iKC and bringing the future generations into knife collecting.
Other Hobbies
there are other hobbies? OK, I found one! Watching my husband learn to build knives

Comment Wall:

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  • tim payne

    hello jan. good to hear from you again. yep, American blade was a Parker made private label knife. I believe there was less than 30 models made under this brand name. it was supposed to be a working man's cheaper priced version of Parker quality.

    and yes, I still have knives on the brain most of the time. busy working and chasing grandsons around.

    talk later,


  • tim payne

    well said jan!  I am glad I made it back.

  • Jim Thompson

    Good Morning Jan....Thanks for the comment on the Customized Case muskrat and Tested Case. I was able to get the muskrat via eBay for $63.62 which included shipping. The dealer does this as a hobby & had several other patterns  listed. At the price I paid I am not sure how he can afford to do this. The Tested  knife, while not mint, is a good addition to the 47 patterns I have.

  • Michael E. Roper

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes.

    Michael Roper

  • Billy Oneale

    Thank you, Jan
  • Brian LeClair

    Thank you was watching CUd's of knives live TV because cables out right now & decided to do search for Steve koontz & that lead me back to you. I'm pleased. To see it's going strong & hope it will continue to for years to come

  • KnifeMaker

    DeWayne Solomon

    I'm making my freon tank forge and was hoping you Would you please ask Donnie what ir coating he puts on the satanite?

    Thanks in advance..

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    So sorry , Jan. Hope you feel better after some rest.

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Your current level of activity indicates you're feeling better .. this is good !!!

    D ale

  • John Howard

    Cold and snowing here in Kentucky . People think i'm nuts because i love the late fall,winter and early spring seasons. I don't get cold easy .Been hovering around 25 * f today and i was running around in shorts and t-shirt . lol !

  • John Howard

    Thank you Jan . I appreciate any help i can get . I'm a slow learner . lol !

  • Tim

    Thanks Jan. Always have been fond of that pattern, and a splitback to boot.
    Have a great day.
  • Syd Carr

    Oo, oo, it's a Grand Portage!! Thank you Jan and IKC. Merry Christmas to all!!

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Happy Birthday Jan!

  • John Bamford

    Happy Birthday Jan  , hope you have a wonderful day.

  • jeff

    Happy Birthday To You !!!  May this day be filled with Happiness ! Best Wishes !

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

    Happy Birthday, Jan! For everything you do, have done and will do for your family here at iKC, know it never goes unappreciated. You are the glue that holds us together, and your tireless efforts constantly show us what can be done when love and compassion combine with devotion and pride. What you have helped to create here is truly exceptional. You and Donnie both should be incredibly proud of what has evolved from the site's beginnings, and I know we all are excited to see how things will keep progressing in the future. You have built something here that many of us will never ever forget, and in a day of transience and instant gratification, that is not a small accomplishment. You have helped people share their pride and joy, and you have also made a safe place where others can come and find solace to deal with sorrow and grief. Truly, we are a family here at iKC, and I think you should stop and feel immense pride in that. Not many places can honestly make that claim...none that come to my mind, anyway. Friends have come and gone, and yet here we still are. Stronger than ever.

    So, dear lady...and I am honoured to say Friend as well...take a bow, bask in the glow of what you have managed to create through both adversity and joy. Know you have an entire family behind you, and we all are sincerely honoured you have made this site what it is and that we could be a part of something incredible.

    Thank you so very much!

  • J.J. Smith III

    Wishing you a most Happy Birthday.

  • Paul Fournier

    Hi Jan,

    Thank you very much for researching C=on Chuck's last known contact info and also possible leads for oyster knife blanks...very kind of you.  I have just joined the group and also appreciate all the welcome comments.  You seem to  have a very friendly , supportive and mutually helping community.  I am not great at replying immediately to posts or questions etc. I do so time permitting but do appreciate your interest and support very much. Cheers!

  • Max McGruder

    Is this the 2012 iKC knife in question?

  • Michael Lee Acree

    Thank you, Jan!
  • Nathan Smith

    Thanks Jan!

  • KnifeMaker

    Sergi C. Heideman

    Thanks for your active participation Jan. I have some difficulty navigating iKC so excuse me if I possibly "butt in" where I don't belong. Heck, I have trouble navigating my Facebook - too many options.

    I have never exhibited at a large show like the Blade Show. Any suggestions, comments or cautions? 


    Sergi H.

  • Bill Fletcher

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes!  They're much appreciated :-)

  • Terry Pitts

     Thanks for the Birthday wishes Jan, seems like they come every month or so lately.

  • Iris Kouzounian

    Thanks for the welcome Jan :) I know very very little about knives other than what I've researched over the last few weeks. This site will be sure to help me find out about the old knives that were hidden in my mums garage :)

  • James Phillips

    Thanks for the welcome..

  • Enikő

    Hi Jan,

    no, he already have a meteorite knife, it's the Knife of the Year, 1984, with damast blade. It's a rare peace, he also try to find, but as he would say: it's a mission impossible :D Thats why I want to accept the challenge :)


    Thanks for the warm welcome.

  • KnifeMaker

    Avery O. Cason

    Thanks for the welcome
  • Steve Eckhardt

    Thanks Jan!,That's true,I have mentioned it to several Knife Collectors over the years and most look at me with a blank stare!

  • Michael D. Mitchell

     Jan, I Truly Believe i am going to Enjoy thiz Site. I Joined another Knife Site Previously, WASN'T what i Expected.

    Michael.   PS., I Left a Message on J.J.z' Page, I Hope Everyone Else can view it.

    GraciaZ,  Michael.

  • Michael D. Mitchell

    Jan ?Where can i Purchase the "iKC hat??

    GraciaZ, Michael.

  • KnifeMaker

    Paul S

    Jan- I just sent David Yellowhorse a message regarding the knife I purchased from the Heard Museum in January. Paul S.

  • KnifeMaker

    DeWayne Solomon

    Jane.. thanks for the kind words...hiwever after i replied i cant fine the pics if myself with the kids on the site?

    Can you send them to my email?
    Please and thank you.

  • KnifeMaker

    Andy Larrison

    Thanks Jan! Love that knife!
  • jack walker

    Thank you.
  • Frederick Fisher

    Thank you nice LADY   Fred

  • Jake a rue

    I'm using a mobile do don't have the desktop view I think I found out all I'm gonna find out
  • Don Martinez

    Thank you Jan.

  • J.J. Smith III

    Thanks, Jan. It's been a good ride do far. 50 more? Not sure the world could take all that...

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Thanks Jan!

  • Lee Schechter

    Thanks Jan for the BDAY wishes!!

  • KnifeMaker

    Adams Intl Knifeworks - AIK

    Thanks!  Appreciate the tips!

  • Rhamer Jimenez

    Thanks Jan, i am little lost from the group, but i am coming back soon, i am working on a room to display some of my collection, you will be hearing from me soon. Thank you very much for the birthday wishes.

  • Alexander Noot

    Thanks Jan! I had a great day.

  • jeff

    Thank you Jan for B-day wishes. Hope you have a Great Day, Tell Donnie I said Hello too.

  • John Kellogg

    Thanks for the birthday wish Jan!

  • Jim Liles

    Thanks Jan, had a great day pineapple upside down cake my favorite.
  • Tobias Gibson

    Hi Jan. I haven't forgotten about the review. Life has been getting in the way.