Johnny Stout


New Braunfels, TX

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
46 to 50 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
About Me
Full time Knifemaker
Knives, Guns
Other Hobbies

Comment Wall:

  • J.J. Smith III

    Welcome to iKC.

  • Randy, HHH Knives

    Johnny Stout! Wow the knives look amazing as all of your work does! Thanks for adding the pics and joining, Welcome!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Johnny
    We have never met but I am honored you joined our knife community. We're still very much in the growing stage. Thanks for jumping right in and loading up your knives for our members to see. We love to look at knives!
    If you have any questions about the community, please let me know.
  • Johnny Stout

    Thanks Scott...let me know if there is anything I can do to help promote the site.

  • Frank Evans

    Johnny what great work.

    Welcome to iKC! And Merry Christmas Morning! I hope you find this site as fun and exciting as I have… I started in September and found a warm group of like minded friends… We trade ideas, products, learn of trend in collecting, and generally express ideas and learn. There are some great mind here that are contributors. Scott is brilliant and I see such names as A. G. Russell on post…. So this is a major forum that’s impacting this passion…. Jump in and enjoy… Please friend me and stay in contact!
  • Johnny Stout

    Thanks Frank. I'm looking forward to participating on all the forums....I know I'll learn a lot.


  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

  • J.J. Smith III

    Wanted to thank you for helping out with the "Welcome Wagon".
    It's impressive to be welcomed by someone with your name recognition, in the knife community.
    JJ Smith

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    hello Johnny, noticed you have been helping out with the welcome wagon. thanks for the help. you need a good welcoming picture, so i made you one! i hope you like it! right click on it to save, then use it to add an image to the next welcome. need anything else just ask!!

  • Ron Ambrose

    Thanks for the welcome. I've seen some of your work. Its great. Ron
  • Johnny Stout

    Jeff, thanks for the will add a more personal "Welcome" to new members.


  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    glad you like it Johnny! we makers gotta look out for one another! i have made a few like these for other members on iKC, if you need anything else, or want another design, let me know!


  • Johnny Stout

    Thanks Mark. Your right, swords are great, but knives are easier store.


  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    hey Johnny i see you made your own welcome pic!! good job it looks great!!!

  • KnifeMaker

    CaptJeff Saylor

    hey check out my latest knife
    the CJS 5" Broad Skinner.....

  • Johnny Stout

  • Tom Harris

    Hey There,
    I used live in canyon lake and New Braunfels was the quickest way to the highway. If I had had any idea this level of quality knivemaking was just a few miles away....

    I am interested in pieces of your wrok that are available in the folding Damascus designs. Don't see a website. Anything available?

    Tom Harris
    Denver Co
  • Johnny Stout

    Hi Tom, sorry we missed each other when we were neighbors!! Check out my site at I have one folder and one fixed blade in stock. Several on my bench that I'm building for inventory. Let me know what your interests are.


  • KnifeMaker

    Wayne Morgan

    Thanks Johnny.
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Johnny I like your folders alot very nice.
    I am fixen to start making folders.I would like to come to your event some time,and see what its like.When is your next one?
  • Johnny Stout

    Brian, I have a Hammer-In scheduled at my shop on Feb. 6-7. Send me your personal email address and I'll send you the schedule and application forrm...hope to have you down here.

  • Brian Davis
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Jonnny I havent got the email yet can you resend it please
  • Gary Kennedy

    Happy Birthday tomorrow great looking knives also
  • Gerald Hines

    Happy Birthday

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Happy B'day Johnny! Hope all is well!
  • Tom Harris

    After seeing the tortise doctors knife, made me regret leaving canyon lake. I will be checking on the availability of another of the same.  Thanks, Tom
  • Bruce Piehl

    I aways love to see your work!

  • KnifeMaker

    Michael Bolen

  • stephen tungate

    have a great birthday my friend....
  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday
  • stephen tungate

    have a great birthday johnny...

  • Jan Carter

  • Ron Cooper

  • Le Coutographe

    I'm just looking at your wall and my first thought is : 

    it is great to make nice knives and it is even better to be able to share this beauty via high quality photography !!!

    No doubt you are a master in both area !!!


  • Ron Cooper

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

  • KnifeMaker

    Larry and Tina Pridgen

    Happy Birthday!

  • Max McGruder

    Happy Birthday!

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

  • Jan Carter

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)