Sarah Mullins


Ferrum, VA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
11- 15 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Case, Kershaw, any razor makes me happy
About Me
NKCA member

Comment Wall:

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Sarah
    I just wanted to drop by to say thanks for joining our knife collector community. We are just two weeks old but so you are getting in on the ground floor. Lots of things in the works- mostly by the members.
    As you are getting settled in if I can help, please let me know.
    Glad to have you a part of our community. Think you will like it. Lots of friendly knife folks.
    Don't know if you have noticed yet, but we have Groups. And there is a Case Fans Group- check it when you can.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Sarah, I don't you if you remember but we met at the NKCA Dalton Show. Great you joined us. Look forward to your help in making this the best knife community on the web!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    A new Group just started here called "Women like knives too" check it out.
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Glad you joined us here at the GEC group. Scott had done a great job getting this all set up, He gives 110% in everything he's involved in. Stop in often and enjoy.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Sarah, I'm sorry but that snake gives me the willies every time I see your pic :)
  • Andy Franco

    HI Sarah,

    Were' putting on Idaho's first "Knife Makers Invitational" in Boise, Oct. If you or any knife inthusiast are interested in coming out to the show, Dealer/collector/maker, ect.... please let me know. Were' trying to get the word out. So far, 100 tables and lot's of big names! Thanks Much!
  • Sachsun Kelt

    Apparently it is your birthday tomorrow - many happy returns mate. Every day above ground is a blessing indeed lol. Will chat some time soon. Take care.
  • Gary Kennedy

    Happy Birthday

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Sarah .. enjoy your day .. happy B'day !!!!
  • stephen tungate

  • Ron Cooper

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

  • Ron Cooper

  • Max McGruder

    Happy Birthday!

  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

    Hey There Ms Sarah!!!

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

  • Jan Carter

    Hello Ms. Sarah!  Glad to see you here.  Things are going, as well as can be expected LOL!  Hope to see you soon

  • Jan Carter

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

  • Jan Carter