Steve Scheuerman (Manx)


Vernon, BC


Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Total luck!
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
16- 20 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Fantasy daggers, fixed blade, swords, tactical folders
About Me
Knives, my dogs (boxers), good friends food and drink, there I am in a nutshell. Oh, and a Golden Tee Golf addict...if having your own full sized machine in your living room constitutes addiction. :)
Umm...knives? :P Photography, computers and books.
Other Hobbies
I read way too much...hehe

Comment Wall:

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  • Cinder Phillips

    Thanks! I've never encountered such a nice group.
  • Mark Gibbs

    Thanks for the welcome to IKC.

  • Don Close

    Hi Steve thanks for the welcome and tips. I am looking to gain knowledge in knife collecting hobby, especially as it pertains to traditional knives. What are some of your favorite brands, patterns, etc. Once again thanks for the welcome
  • Lori Bowers

    Thank you Steve, I sure do hope I stay sharp.

  • Lawrence Hanus

    Thanks for the warm welcome and very quick response!
  • Edd Stanton

    Thank you for all the warm welcomes

  • Harry Meyer

    Manx, Thank you for the "welcome aboard". Harry

  • KnifeMaker

    Angel Bichev

    Oh I see.

    But what if I still want to sell one particular knife?

  • Bill Perlman

    Thanks and glad to be here. After many years of buying and selling knives, Ive finally decided to learn something about them, and how to clean, protect and preserve them.

    I was fascinated by a quite long and comtentious list of comments back from 2010 and 2011 on differing thought on cleaning blades, or not. It was interesting but left me with no clear answer.

    I have tried to remove black crud from blades, especially when the maker's name is not readable, but I've always used non-abrasive materials. WD-40 and Nevr-dull are my main ones.

    Do you have any opinion on approach to dirt and rust?

  • Billy Oneale

    Thank you, Manx
  • Aebelskiver

    Greetings, Steve, and thank you very much for your kind welcome. 


    John (Aebelskiver)

  • Bill DeShivs

    Thank you for the birthday wish!

    Bill DeShivs

  • Walter Syroid Jr

    Thank-You for the Birthday Wishes!!!!!

  • Billy W Pike

    Thanks for the birthday wishes

  • Featured

    Brian Ferguson

    Hey Manx,  thank you for welcoming me aboard. I look forward to sharing with the group.


  • Patrick Langan

    Thanks Steve, I am relatively new to collecting so I'm sure I will have a lot of questions and need advice from people who know about how and what to collect.

  • Kevin M

    Steve , 

    Thank you for the welcome. You and many others have already extended a welcome today and it sure makes a person feel good to have all the welcomes.

    I will check out the forum rules and make sure to follow the. It looks like a large site so it may take a while getting the hang of moving about the forum and posting , but getting a bit of practice in now.

    Thanks again for the welcome.

  • Lewis E.Ward


    Thanks. I'll ease in slowly. Already found a friend in the Whittler's and Carver's group-Bob Stadtlander. I'veknown him for over 20 years when we were in a local carving group. He has moved away, but comes to the show every year.

    Looks like a great group.

  • Peter Viceroy

    Thanks for the add! 

  • Brent

    Thanks for the welcoming!!! Let me know if you can help identify a knife of mine . Thanks 

  • Heidi Jo Bean

    Beautiful Steve! Thanks a million!

  • Henk Knife Collector

    Thanks Steve.

  • Bill Fletcher

    Thank you, Manx !!

  • Jim Johnson

    Appreciate it Steve!

  • Scott Giacoppo

    Thanks so much, I’m looking forward to being a part of this community! I’m really glad it found you all!

  • Floyd Jester

    Thank you sir.

  • Heidi Jo Bean

    Thank you so much Steve!

    You're very  kind.

  • In Memoriam

    Russ Owens


    Thanks Steve,

    I am glad I ran across this site.

    I was trying to track down Brian Griffin and that is how

    I found iKnives.


  • Bryan W

    Thank you Manx!

  • Clem Dwight Bryan

    Thanks Steve. Appreciate the welcome. Do not have many pictures I could use, but my car wouldn't fit in the view finder, and I am not techy enought to get that done like I  want.



  • Clem Dwight Bryan

    Bryan W is who introduced me to iKC, so thanks Bryan.

  • Tim

    Thanks Steve

  • Scott Giacoppo

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  • KnifeMaker


    Thansk a lot Steve, from now on I could say I am a proud member of IkC :), thanks for the useful tips as well! I will try to be an active and supportative member of this little family

  • Rudolf Waurich

    Thanks, Steve!


  • Jamie Law

    Thanks Steve and hello all!

    I've got a few pics to post in the hope that someone can help me out with some history, background etc.

    I'll just get used to the layout first though.

    Thanks again


  • Frederick Fisher

    Steve,thanks for the birthday card   Fred

  • J.J. Smith III

    Thanks Manx.

    Appreciate it.

  • Old Guy

    Thank you for the welcome and the guidelines. Looking forward to being around.

  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday my friend

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Happy Birthday Manx!

  • Dan Murphy

    1. Thanks Steve !
  • John Kellogg

    Thanks for thinking of me Steve! Made my day. 




    Thank you so much !!

  • JJ McCall


  • Bruce Zenge

    HI  Steve and everyone else that has said welcome.  I don't know how much I can contribute, but I will try to be useful.  Thanks for the welcome.


  • Dorothy J Vorobiev

    ~~ ThankYou~~ for the Welcome !

  • Marty Siebel


    Thanks for your greeting...appreciate it. I'm new to this so I'll stumble a time or two

    gettin' to know my way around. Y'all seem to be organized. Thats good, Look forward to gettin' to know everybody. I'll need help thats for sure! Nuff said. Talk to ya later!

  • KnifeMaker

    Chris Crawford

    Thanks Steve, I'm looking forward to checking everything out.

  • Bruce Zenge

    Hey, Steve, I wish I were more active at the moment.  I do appreciate the welcome and suggestions.  On a personal note, I have been laid low by a back issue that is a result of a lot of years of working hard and not always smart...  Seem to be on the mend and as I improve, hope to be more active in the shooting sports and share experience.  for right now, I am just trying to learn how to navigate the site.

    Hope to be of more use as time goes by.
