Jill Klies

Henderson, NV

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
3- 5 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
auto opening & fixed blades..I love colorful, fancy knives and especially bowie knives that I can wear with my six gun rig....Stag handles are great, I just love so many and so much about them!
About Me
Disabled & retired at this point..started own business to help other disabled people.. One does not always need to be making "tons" of money to be successful. Decided to teach firearm safety & CCW classes. I also have a bachelor's in Business Management, a master's in Organizational Managment & have 3 classes & 1 dissertation paper to go for my doctorate in Management & Leadership.
I love to help people with their needs for completing paperwork for social security disability, insurance, etc. It makes me happy to know that I was able to help them solve a problm which was keeping him/her from obtaining his/her benefits, etc.. it does feel good to help people.

So, I started a consulting business to help people with paperwork and appeal letters and anything related. It's not paying the bills yet but hopefully I will be successful at it. I did find a big niche for the help I offer. I just need to be able to promote myself better.
Other Hobbies
Shooting, used to play drums & guitar in a band until disability stoppedm me..try to play guitar once in awhile. Love to play video games on the xbox - war games and shooting games especially.

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  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Good Stuff, Jill. Thanks. Buck's trying to do a little PR to improve the damage of getting knives made outside US. It hurt them. The Puma intel is good. I'll check that out.
    Appreciate it. Do you go typically get to any knife shows, or pretty much stick to gun shows?

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    I don't get to many shows either. I had booked a flight to one in MI this weekend that I have wanted to go to for years....but this weekend is basketball sections and I have three kids playing, so I cancelled.
    You feel free to use iKC here as your "going to knife shows" I am always looking for folks who enjoy and like our community. :)
  • Andy Voelkle "AxeMan"