Cindi Atkison

55, Female

Ringgold, GA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
3- 5 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Case Russlock present member of the Case Collector Club.
About Me
I am a mother of 24,22,20 year old young men two of which are serving our country in the US Army. I am starting them a collection of knives. I am a member of the Case Collector Club.
I raised my sons mostly by myself we hunt and fish and we love the outdoors. Just your basic all american woman. As I have started collecting the knives I have feel in love with the Case Russlock for my own collection. I am on here to learn as much as I can. So all info is welcome. If you ever want to chat shoot me a message here email me ah heck my sons even have me on twitter...
Other Hobbies
As long as it has to do with the outdoors I am game for anything...Flea Markets, Antiques, Auctions, Knife and Gun Shows.

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