Hey Brent - welcome to iKC! We're glad you're here. Feel free to hob nod around, explore a some groups that might interest you, decorate your space here...whatever. Got questions? Ask away....someone is always around to lend you a hand (and if one of then is "What is the fastest land mammal?"....it's the cheetah, or me if being chased by one!). :-D
Jan Carter
The 5 top things to do when you join iKnifeCollector!
iKC Community Rules
Navigating iKnifeCollector.com
Best Photo upload size? 640x480
and join us in the chatroom if you have any questions or just want to chat
Dec 13, 2021
Lars Ray
Hey Brent - welcome to iKC! We're glad you're here. Feel free to hob nod around, explore a some groups that might interest you, decorate your space here...whatever. Got questions? Ask away....someone is always around to lend you a hand (and if one of then is "What is the fastest land mammal?"....it's the cheetah, or me if being chased by one!). :-D
See ya around -
Dec 13, 2021