Ok,  You've joined iKC. 



Hopefully you've spent some time in personalizing your "My Page" by adding a profile picture and further customized it by adding a theme and a special color scheme,  These can always be accessed with the "Customize" button that's under your profile photo.  Maybe you've added some photos and checked out the groups (there are over 100) there's one or more for almost every intrest.


But that's not what I'm getting to here;

After you've logged out where do you check, first, when you log back on?

Why not start with the iKC Main page? 


From the Main page, it's easy to see what's been happening in iKC, since your last visit. 

 A check of the Main page will give you a quick idea of the latest activity in the FORUMS and BLOGS.  They change as they're added and other members comment, with the most recent on top. 

Check out where and when upcoming EVENTS are.  (There may be one nearby.)

In the center of the page the GROUPS area lets you know which groups are, and have been, active.  They too change with recent activity.

Enjoy the PHOTO slide show or check out one of the VIDEOS.

You can even see which member is celebrating a BIRTHDAY.


 Now that you're up to date, why not check for new MEMBERS (stop in, say "hi") and see the newly added PHOTOS, which are available on the navigation bar at the top of all pages here at IKC.   Also from all pages, you can check the messages in your INBOX, respond to friend requests and adjust your profile SETTINGS, as well as get an up to the minute view of the LATEST ACTIVITY.

Whether or not you check out your "MY PAGE" first, be sure to visit the iKC MAIN page to keep on top of the latest happenings here, and be sure to check out everthing that iKC has to offer.

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Great advice JJ and I hope all our new members check this out and add it to their log in procedure everyday.
Works for us "Old Timers" too, Steve.  LOL

In the center of the page the GROUPS area lets you know which groups are, and have been, active.  They too change with recent activity.

Also click on view all and see if there is a group for yopur favorite knife or subject

The main page is where I always hang out. Sorry for the coffee stains.

Also wanted to mention the "Member Help" button. at the top of the page.  A wide variety of "Help" topics to make your experiance at iKC more enjoyable.

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