I know many of you are anxiously awaiting a new mobile version of iKC. In preperation for the beta roll out here are a few FAQ's that might help.

Is this going to be available as a downloadable app for iKnife Collector?

This project will ultimately update the current mobile version for iKnife Collector. We're not building downloadable apps for the iPhone, Android, etc. Rather, we're improving the mobile version so nearly all mobile devices will be able to access iKnife Collector much more effectively.

Will the mobile version include "x" feature?

We're going to include as much as we can, but the new mobile interface will not contain every detail of iKC. But, many of the most-used things will be included, like the Activity Feed, Status updates, Forum, Blogs, Photos and Groups etc.

In short, there will be some flexibility in what you see, and it will be a big leap up from what you see now, but there will still be some details that won't make it in our initial version. Of course, more features may be added after the initial release.

Please give it a try and give us some feedback! Thank you!

Tags: access, beta, mobile, test

Views: 562

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Recently, I got a new Iphone, I am still learning how to use it. I would love to beable to access the site from my camp. Hog, we will need alot of instuctions...."Please".

Got it Robert, we are thoroughly testing it prior to release because I know its a big deal to a lot of members. being able to report in from camp...yes that pretty good right there. Still not sure if we can access groups but lots of us are asking.

Robert Burris said:

Recently, I got a new Iphone, I am still learning how to use it. I would love to beable to access the site from my camp. Hog, we will need alot of instuctions...."Please".

Well, just to beable to hook up with the club from the camp from my phone, would be great at any capasity. It would be from one world to the next....lol....Thanks so much for your hard work at making our club so great!

Well some good news, the new version of Mobil is being released this week! I will try to post the details behind this switch tomorrow and then we should be able to roll this out to our members. we are very excited about the capability, it was a long time coming and allows us to build for future applications. More tomorrow!

I've been pleased with the progress I've made with the Opera Browser on my tablet.  I'm able to access most of the site, though sometimes I have to come in the back door.  One thing that I miss on the Opera/iKC site is the tool bar that's at the top of the discussion windows.  Have yet to figure out how to post a pic either. 

Well I've still got the netbook to travel with.

OK well the switch is thrown! Our new Mobile interface is complete. All of the most popular functions have been added like activity stream, blogs, discussions, pictures and groups. So it should result in a more robust look at all that iKC has to offer, It fully suppiorts tapping and swiping that are features you are used to. Questions, fire away and i will try to help! Now there is no reson not to take iKC with you, wherever you go!

J.J. Smith III said:

I've been pleased with the progress I've made with the Opera Browser on my tablet.  I'm able to access most of the site, though sometimes I have to come in the back door.  One thing that I miss on the Opera/iKC site is the tool bar that's at the top of the discussion windows.  Have yet to figure out how to post a pic either. 

Well I've still got the netbook to travel with.

By the way we are looking for someone to actively test with, to see how our new interface works. If anyone wants to provide feedback for me it is much appreciated.

ok, Steve is their an app for iKC. I connect with opera and it's still the same.

Well our own App would be terrific, Will have to see if Scott wants that and to be honest not quite sure of the cost to develop that. I do have a question though, can you use a "default app" that lets you assign iKC to it?

J.J. Smith III said:

ok, Steve is their an app for iKC. I connect with opera and it's still the same.

I dont have any of that technology but I am very pleased that we are offering it.  I love the possibility that you all could access us from the camp or where ever you might be.  We do appreciate your helping us keep up with the technology Hog!

I've found the bookmarking the iKC feed on opera, gives me ALMOST all what the desktop version does.

What way do you access iKC Ron?

Ok.  Insomnia is rearing its ugly head again, so I decided to try to figure out iKC mobile.  Keep in mind that I don't have an iPad or a Galixy tab, I just have a basic 7" tab to play with.

Please forgive the quality of the pics, I'm using a small Kodak digital for these and also reduced them for this "review".

This is the start page with my 2 available browsers.  The stock and the Opera mini. 

I'll start with the stock...

Origionally, all I could view with the stock browser was the latest activity feed...

Now there's a new box that brings up a drop-down menu, tap there...

Tap  on the "desktop view"...

And you get a familiar page.

One of the shortcomings of a tablet (at least mine) is the inability to be able to hover over a menu item (MEDIA) to be able to select photos.  To reach photos you need to scroll down to where photos are displayed on the iKC home page and tap "view all". and you'll get the desktop version of the photos page. 

I wanted to show what is missing from the mobile version, again from what I can bring up, so I went to a photo that had been recently added.

The "tool bar" that is on the top of discussions is not available...

Basically, I can live without that, while retaining the bulk of the site.


I also wanted to show the iKC Opera mini bookmark, which I've been using for the last couple of months, and how it's displayed...

and what is available there.

Almost exactly what can now be found on the regular browser.

Now it looks good no matter where I go to find it.

You done good, Steve. 



Anyone have any work arounds to the missing functions?

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