There has been a void in Texas for custom knifemakers.  The Texas Knifemakers and Collectors Association folded and is no longer active. Several custom knifemakers have expressed interest in forming a new association.  If you are interested in being a founding member of the New Texas Knifemakers Association, you can contact Vance Hinds at vancehinds@gmail.com, Jim McGuinn at jimmcguinn@live.com, or Don Shipman at don.shipman@gmail.com.  We are just in the organizational phases and do not have tax exempt status from the IRS.  We will not accept any type of contribution, dues, or money until the organization is properly formed and tax exempt status is approved by the IRS.  What has been discussed so far is breaking the state into 3-5 regions. Each region having its own regional group.  Having an annual show that travels to each region. The regional group is responsible for hosting the annual show. Board made up of 2-3 people from each region with an overall President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary voted by all members at the annual show. Term limits of 2-3 years. Each region handles how they pick their board members and activities throughout the year. Regional activities involve shop tours, hammer-ins, regional shows etc. State Board and officers duties include managing website, annual show, membership, recruitment, education, etc.  We have also discussed membership being open to all those interested in knives while also having a separate certification process for knifemakers.  Below are the links to our facebook page, facebook group and website:

website - www.texasknifemakersassociation.com.

facebook page - Texas Knifemakers Association

facebook group - Texas Knifemakers Association

Vance Hinds


Tags: Custom, Knife, Knifemaker, Texas, group

Views: 231

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This is simply wonderful Vance!!!!   Cant wait to see it up and running!

Its a great idea and time to get the word out!

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