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Do you have a unique/rare stamping ??


Care to share a pic & a bit of history ??


Just as important ... a stamping that's just a little (or, a lot) suspect.





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I was fortunate enough to see some rather rare tangs while in PA this week.  Courtesy of Gary K.  who very patiently waited for me to photo 14 of his

I was fortunate enough to see some rather rare tangs while in PA this week.  Courtesy of Gary K.  who very patiently waited for me to photo 14 of his

I was fortunate enough to see some rather rare tangs while in PA this week.  Courtesy of Gary K.  who very patiently waited for me to photo 14 of his

I was fortunate enough to see some rather rare tangs while in PA this week.  Courtesy of Gary K.  who very patiently waited for me to photo 14 of his

I was fortunate enough to see some rather rare tangs while in PA this week.  Courtesy of Gary K.  who very patiently waited for me to photo 14 of his

Thanks, Jan .. for snapping pics & posting here.

I've held a C. Platts and a KANE .. & I have a Red Bird Razor .. all else are new to me.

Thank You !!!

My Pleasure Dale and I still have more to come.  What an absolute thrill it was for me to see and hold these rare tangs.

Dale, Could you please post a pic of the red bird, I believe mine is not the correct handle and would love to see one, I have never seen another in the wild.



Jan Carter said:

My Pleasure Dale and I still have more to come.  What an absolute thrill it was for me to see and hold these rare tangs.

I'll do some digging Gary .. I recognized the stamp .. not sure what kind of shape mine's in either .. let me do that digging & see what I find .. will post when located.

Great pic Jan i am enjoying seeing the old and rare stampings!

OK, lets see some more


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