So you got the bug? Can't stop reading about knives? Can't stop buying those knives?

What in the world got you started?

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my granddad,45 years ago,god bless him.ive been on the greatest adventure ever since.great people,great knives.thats a legacy.

My grandpa (Mom's dad) sent me one for Christmas one year. I think I was about 10. He lived in Florida and I lived in Ohio (as I still do). He passed away around 15 years ago. He too was a knife collector. Between this knife and the first knife my dad got me around the same time, I was hooked. I hadn't been quite as involved, nor did I spend as much time talking about or looking at knives as I have over the past 2 years. I am thankful for the influence he had in getting me started and also thankful for the many friends I have made because of the interest. 

Ricky what a great start to collecting! So many can thank a older, wise relative!

Ricky L McConnell said:


              I have always liked a pocketknife, but in the last few years I got started thru my grandmother and one of her friends. His name was W. H. Claxton. He did not have any kids to give his knives to , so he brought some to my Granny to give away. She would bring me a sack of them every now and then. It was some time before I realized that most of them were high quality vintage knives. I got a chance to talk to him once, and he said he had been collecting since he was  a kid. He has passed on recently along with my Granny. I miss them both , but I am grateful for getting me interested in collecting knives.

John you bet I remember knives on the back pages of comics! Always got me to thinking!

John McCain said:

Can hardly remember when I got my first knife- A "Case Stockman" Probably around age 8. My dad,grandad, and older brothers all carried Case knives-Back in the day, you could even buy knives from the back pages of comic books!! I bought a 12" stag handled bowie with sheath for under $5 bucks that way !! ( wish I still had it) - Anyhow, somehow, I started collecting Case trappers. Had about 20 before I realised I was a collector. That does't count the other misc. other knives I accumulated over that time-Wish I still had some of my earlier knives, but I was a kid, young and stupid, I guess. BTW, Charles, going back to page 3 of this discussion, I remember party lines, too !! My original phone number was 108F21- Two longs and a short- I still remember how the party line women thought my grandfather was a dirty old man, because he had emphysema, and they could hear his heavy breathing, while he was listening for them to hang up so he could make a call.Unfortunately, you had to do that sometimes, to figure out when the line was free !!

Well it does snel up on you Paul and I. Guess denial is the first step!

Paul Ring said:
It would seem that this bug can be caught multiply ways. Yet the end result is the same. Lol. The "fever" the "addiction" no matter what you call it, it ends up with a passion for collecting knives. It decives us at
first. Someone will ask us " do you collect knives?" We will reply no! Then they will ask how many knives do you have? We will reply, "I don't know!" That's when the blinders come off. I'm a collector! Lol
More soon!

Your Grandad did well John!

John McDowell said:

my granddad,45 years ago,god bless him.ive been on the greatest adventure ever since.great people,great knives.thats a legacy.

Age 10 is a great time to start exploring a knife. I was close to that age. I agree knife collectors make for some great friends, for which I am most grateful!
Jeremy B. Buchanan said:

My grandpa (Mom's dad) sent me one for Christmas one year. I think I was about 10. He lived in Florida and I lived in Ohio (as I still do). He passed away around 15 years ago. He too was a knife collector. Between this knife and the first knife my dad got me around the same time, I was hooked. I hadn't been quite as involved, nor did I spend as much time talking about or looking at knives as I have over the past 2 years. I am thankful for the influence he had in getting me started and also thankful for the many friends I have made because of the interest. 

Same here John. When I've tried to count them I'll later remember some knives I've forgotten. Lol That's the life of knife collecting. You just keep moving on to the next beauty. Lol

When people ask me, I actually say "Yes"  When they ask why the best answer I can give is "Because, I like to and I can't afford to collect firearms."  When they ask how many I have.  I tell them a few and invite them to look at them.  I had a small collection (perhaps under 25) until I found eBay and got satellite TV and came across KnivesLive TV.   That was about 4 or five years ago and my interest and the size of the collection exploded. I'm slowing down now.  Not because I'm losing interests but because I finding fewer items that I want (my collection is more focused), I'm running our of room, and I'm looking at higher priced items.  I think this is a typical evolution to the hobby.

I'm too old and crotchety to deny my interests.  If people  think I'm weird because I collect knives, I really don't care.  To me it beats wasting money gambling on riverboat casinos or drinking in bars.  As for the count.  441 in the collection and drawer full of junk knives that remain uncounted and not considered part of the collection. Part of the hobby for me, is cataloging and categorizing the collection.

Like your post Tobias. I also believe that collecting knives develope through different stages. Maybe they become more refined and focused.

So New members, How did you ever get started?  Tell your story!

Ok, Ive been more of a knife horder since I was  kid. Always liked knives. So over the years I ve aquired a variety of pocket and fixed blades. I have the collector gene so along the way I have syrayed and collected other things, mainly antique outboard motors. In 2012 my father passed away and beeing an antique weapons collector himself I now find my knife collection has grown. This got me back to my knives and researching them all and ending up here, in your forum. 

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