The time has come to start the discussion on the 2014 iKC knife.  

I would again like to shoot for August/Sept delivery date.  Something to remember while we talk about this is that a short run of only 50 or so knives means we need to tie in with a maker that is already running a knife and tweak that one to make it our own.  The reason for this is most SFO's require a minimum order of 250 or more.  Also I would like to keep it less than $125.00 delivered to you.  I have some eyes checking out whats available at a factory or two but always love to hear your ideas.  Remember, this is YOUR knife 

Here is a pic of the official annual knives we have done so far

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No matter what the brand or pattern, we will all not agree but to come up with a knife that most will be happy with is all we can hope for. I'm sure it will be easy to fill the 50 are so knives made by what ever maker. I would hope that with our choice this year that nothing bad happens and everyone gets the knife we choose.

  I am still for a Queen built knife in one of the most voting for patterns. Please keep the opinions, coming.

A Stockman or Sowbelly would be my vote. A Scout would be nice too.

Ivars we have not stopped anywhere yet!  

Keep the ideas coming please, all your thoughts are how I go about having these discussions with the manufactures

A Queen Stockman with carbon blades sounds good.

What about a Q tac from Queen?

Trapper, Stockman, Barlow, or Q tac.  May I suggest that we stay away from ivory of any kind.  I like ivory, but with the new regulations if you can't prove its not elephant and/or more than 100 years old, you lose it.  With so many people in government believing that one hand openers are switch-blades, how will you convince them that its mammoth or walrus and not elephant?  Matter of fact I'm a little worried about white bone being mistaken for ivory.

I don't think you have to worry, James.  Mammoth or ivory scales would cost about the target price we are considering for the whole knife.

Well ( and where is my divining rod ?),  I would really be tickled if we choose a Queen Cotton Sampler (large sheepfoot  variety) with Amber carved stag bone, and D2 steel !!!  Coming back to ground now, a nice barlow or stockman would suit just fine. 

I would really like to get my first IKC knife. Price is important. So to address this up front is much appreciated, thank you Jan!
To the pattern as a newbe I would defer to those who have been members longer than me. Thank you Jan for allowing us to sound off on this. My preference is older patterns that aren't as common or recognizeable by the average knife person. As long as someone is tool up and making them already.
Queens amber bone is always so rich in color. That's a consideration i would like. Just thinking out loud!!!! Thanks ......... Paul

Howard, Please allow me to clarify my previous post. The federal government has made it illegal to sell elephant ivory across state lines. It has also prima facie made it illegal to sell elephant ivory within the state by virtue of the following; the seller must provide provenance that the ivory is; not elephant, over 100 years old, or purchased before 1976. We are still allowed to own and possess elephant ivory, but not sell it.

It is my belief that any LEO encountering “any” object that looks to them to be elephant ivory will confiscate it and then you will play hell getting it back.

Howard P Reynolds said:

I don't think you have to worry, James.  Mammoth or ivory scales would cost about the target price we are considering for the whole knife.

I like the idea of going with the Daniels Family and Queen.

Also liking the Scout BUT for our price point? Be nice. Liking the fixed blade idea alot! iKC on the sheath.

I want one no matter what it is!!


I also think make a list and give it to Ken Daniels and let him pick for our price point he sure came through in a N.Y. minute!

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