Word "Knife" not "Family Friendly" - Who knew? M&M's Rejects Knife Rights' Order!

Saying that the word "knife" in the Knife Rights logo "is not family friendly," M&M's rejected a Knife Rights order for promotional packages of M&M's candies with the Knife Rights logo on them. Then they lied and claimed Knife Rights canceled the order, when it was entirely their doing!

If you'd like to let them know how you feel about the word "knife" not being "family friendly," you can contact M&M's at: 1-908-852-1000 (only M-F 9:00-5:00) or via email using the form at: https://www.mms.com/us/contact

Full Details and contact numbers at the link: http://www.kniferights.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=vi...

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I would seriously beg to differ!!  How many folks got their first knife from a family member??  I know I did.  Hey and lets not forget a good many of those first knives were boy scout and girl scout knives.  I suppose because they have badges in knife safety the could be considered not "family friendly"?  The M&M factory does not have knives in it or can we consider them not family friendly also???

That just may be the dumbest thing any company has ever done...

This makes me sooooo angry!  Since when did the name of a simple tool become a reason to shun someone or their business

I emailed Mars to let them know how I felt. They said it didn't fit in with their "Fun and Celebratory" image. I told them what I thought about that kind of politically correct garbage!

I did also and I think they may be getting a good number of emails!  Bet they never counted on the reaction from the folks in the knife community

i contacted them the following..........

very pathetic to cancel an order just because it has the word "knife" in the company name they requested from your company. i will no longer support mars candy, and this is coming from a former mars employee.

Way to go Jason!

i learned long time ago,cant fix stupid.

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