I'll start with an easy one- You probably all have seen this tang stamp or a variation there of on a Remington knife- What does UMC stand for??

 A little tougher one- What famous author mentioned a particular style knife in two of his most famous works and helped make the knife famous ?? Name the author and / or the knife ??

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LOL, I sent her an email once asking her to join.

I tend to lean toward the pacific as the origin also but having lived in the phillipines, I can attest Brad is right about the manipulation and use. 

You figure they had the Butterfly for a long time many years before discovery in 1900. Even predating Ms. Jolie's use of the knife :)

Jan Carter said:

LOL, I sent her an email once asking her to join.

I tend to lean toward the pacific as the origin also but having lived in the phillipines, I can attest Brad is right about the manipulation and use. 

Sorry, folks in my late reply about the Balisong-- Some say the  balisong dates to 800 AD due to its use in the ancient Filipino martial arts of Kali and Escrima, which are still practiced today and are quite deadly-- HOWEVER, and a big however,the Manilla Museum in the Phillipines gives the credit to the French for the invention of the balisong, as Jan previously posted--However, the Filipinos were not much for written history. Their was a patent issued to the English/ German cutlery firm of Bontgen and Sabin's issued on April12, 1880. The earliest dated balisong I can find is this one dated to William Morton, Rockingham Works of Sheffield dated to 1873-  This balisong has silver handles and is obviosly not a first attempt--The hallmarks definitely date it to 1873--

John just loaded a great Video on this!

Does the video involve eating baluts with a balisong?

ewww no

New trivia question---A little tougher, maybe-- What is this knife/short sword called, who used it, and what makes it unique among weapons ??

Looks perhaps agricultural or perhaps a tool used in ceremonial animal sacrifice but I really have no clue.   I'm thinking Indonesian or perhaps or somewhere around Indian Sub-contentment.    Again no real clue.  Am I warm?

 Indonesian is very warm !!- Otherwise, you are in the refrigerator. LOL


cocconut knife....rofl

Sue --- drum roll-- You are 100%--- WRONG !! LOL

Okay, I have kept you in suspense long enough-- Congrats to Chris Sievert who figured out all 3 parts of the question, and honorable mention to Jan and Tobias who figured out the first 2 parts-LOL

1- The weapon is called a  Rentjong Atjeh

2- The weapon is from Sumatra and used in the deadly martial art of  Silek

3- What makes this unique is that it was often held by the toes and used to KICK an opponent- Young boys were trained as young as 5 or 6 by carrying small pieces of bamboo under their toes everywhere they went until they could handle the Rentjong-- Fascinating story and history-- Full story can be found here if you are interested--http://books.google.com/books?id=M84DAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA34&lpg=P...-- After following the link, you may have to scroll up a little to get the full story.

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