Post a photo here.  It must include a Christmas theme and a knife.  See that was easy.  One of our Moderators will draw a name out of the hat on December 24th LOL

Tags: 2014, Case, Christmas, Knife, Win, a

Views: 2412

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I have been asked by many if only the US members are eligible...HECK NO

If you are an iKC member, you are eligible 


You have done a beautiful job on the Christmas theme knife!  Thank-you too for all you do for us!  

God Bless!!!


I'm betting you don't even need to be a practicing Christian or believe in Santa Claus!

Happy Holidays, thanks 4 the wonderful opportunities. want to let every one know that I recently received my package with last months knife prices. I was wonderfully  surprised when I received several extra amazingly sharp gifts. I had been wanting a karambit and an old fashioned stag bone phruit tester both in new condition and super sharp. thanks again

Tobias Gibson said:

I'm betting you don't even need to be a practicing Christian or believe in Santa Claus!

That's good as since I'm known for saying Bay Humbug a lot around this time of the year!!!



LOL...I can't wait to see the Bah Humbug Pic 

If Grump wins and says Bah Humbug, I'm calling "DIBBS" here and now!

Looks like a great contest for the month! Lets go!

Tobias Gibson said:

If Grump wins and says Bah Humbug, I'm calling "DIBBS" here and now!

I sure like the holiday themed contests.  The creativity, in the pics, is always great.

Steve Hanner said:

Looks like a great contest for the month! Lets go!

Well...It may not be... 'Jack'... Frost...but, I think it makes a mighty fine... 'Case'... for Christmas! 

Happy Holidays


It's Jack Chance and Father Christmas!!!

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