Member needs and prayer requests

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My heart breaks this morning for our member and friend. Lisa Sebenick announced this a little earlier.  I waited for it to become public before bringing you the news 

I regret to inform you of the death of Dirk Bose, age 45, youngest son of Tony Bose, he was killed in a car accident last night.

May the Lord be with your family today and always Tony.  As you face this tragedy may His Love keep you all 

May the Lord be by their side through this tragedy.

So sorry to hear of this loss, my prayers for the family duringbthis tragic time

Praying for the Bose family.

My prayers are with the Bose family. 

I pray that the Lord will comfort and uplift Tony and his family as only he can.

My most sincere condolences to the Bose family.

Praying for Tony and the entire family. 

Such a loss at young age. My heart goes out to Bose family

Oh Heavenly Father the Creator of us all... bring peace to the Bose Family at this time of loss...wrap your arms around them and guide them through this troubled time of their journey...bless them now oh Father...Amen

I just wanted to let everyone know Prayers work, my son Zach age 14, came down with the flu over Christmas Break this last year.  We treated it at home, wife is a nurse practitioner, and your never sick enough to go to the doctor!  Well we progressed with him running high fevers and some nausea all through the week of New years Eve.  He started complaining of   pain in his leg to the point he couldn't bare weight any longer.  New Years Eve I had had enough and carried him to urgent care, where they confirmed our thoughts flu and had the bad luck of injuring his leg at swim practice prior to becoming sick.  This was a Thursday, with New Years Day being Friday no ortho docs would see him till the following Monday.  We where sent home to ice the leg and continue to treat the flu systems.  He got progressively worse over the weekend, so bad my wife informed me we needed to take him to the E.R..  We got him to the hospital he was very weak, rapid breathing, and leg had started to swell.  They MRI'ed his leg to find a large amount of infection.  They operated Sunday night and admitted him to the Peds ICU from surgery.  He woke up to much pain Monday morning but we thought he was on the mend, whoohooo where we wrong.  The surgery had stirred up the infection and it was in his blood stream, his lungs began to fill with puss basically. They x-rayed his lungs every morning and night, and you could see the infection moving up and filling them up.  By Wednesday, we got "the speech" that he might not make it.  They recommended we airlift him to St.Louis Children's Hospital.  We had to leave him as the chopper was dispatched from St. Louis, they wanted us to start the 3 hour drive so we could be there when he landed.  It was a rough drive, we couldn't pack any of his cloths as my wife was not sure she could bare it.  We got there about the same time he did, and he had a rough flight, his lungs where so polluted that he couldn't handle the altitude so he basically coded and had to be hand bagged all the way there.  Upon arrival we had to let them stabilize him for over 4 hours before they would let us back to see him.  They charted over 29 people working on him the first few hours to keep him with us.   The doctor told us he was hour to hour.  Now This is Where PRAYER came in.  Our family and friends where just as shocked as us no one up until now had any idea how bad it had gotten.  Our friends and family through FB became our prayer army.   We had over a thousand FB page likes that they had set up for us, and untold churches praying for my boy who they didn't even know.  He has made a Miraculous recovery, the doctor said Miracle three times upon his release from the Peds ICU at Children's.  A nurse who had been with this Doctor for over 17 years had never heard him use that word before.  She said he is a man of science and "he fixes" the kids she proclaimed, the finger of God doesn't come down swirl around in these kids and fix them, he does.  She was moved beyond words, and I get goose bumps every time I tell that part of the story.  My son has been through more than any kid should have to but he has been back to school for two weeks now.  He was on home Pic line med's for a month and a half, and still has three weeks of oral pills to take to get the infection out of his bone in his leg and foot.  They think the violent fevers weakened his immune system so much it allowed the everyday staff on all our bodies to just take off.  We will never know for sure.  I am sorry I didn't reach out to my IKC family for prayers but we where very distracted.   But know a miracle happened with my boy no if and's or buts!!  The picture is the first day he woke up and we knew for sure he was still in there somewhere after 6 days of medical induced coma.  It is in a frame on a shelf in my room off to the side of my bed.  It is the first thing I see every morning I get up.  It reminds me of all I have to be thankful for.   God Bless!

my goodness, that is quite a story and a strong testimony..prayer works! So glad Brian that your son pulled through and yes I agree with you, a miracle.

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