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DMT Mini-Sharp Portable Folding Diamond Knife Sharpener - Extra-Fine

Green Shamrock Classic SD

AND our newest Ikc mug, sporting the Family Forged in Steel

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The thing is a Moose is sometimes considered a modified muskrat!  I've always thought of the Moose as a Trapper/Muskrat hybrid!  Either way, its an awesome knife you got there!

John McCain said:

Tobias, I caught the reference--- I swear that right after I bought it, online research called it a "muskrat"  rather than the more obvious "moose" in  hindsight--- First I had owned of either pattern, so  didn't occur to me to check further. Just recorded the info and forgot about it-- Big Mea Culpa on my part !!--- I know better !!-LOL

Jon, that Malachite inlay is spectacular!

The last of my green Victorinox knives is the current issue German Army Knife.  This knife 111mm Victorinox offically replaced the 108mm German Army Knife in 2003.  The civilian pattern of thie knife is known as the Trekker. The primary difference between the civilian and military version is the lack of the toothpick and tweezers on the Army version, as will as the scales.

The knife is substantially bigger and heavier the than the 108mm version. 

The major improvements for the new Trekker GAK is a liner lock one hand opening main blade (serrated), a longer wood saw, a locking flat head screwdriver, and back mounted #2 Phillips that replaced the corkscrew.

As the combination tool is no longer on the end of the saw, the new GAK expanded to from two to three layers; with the thrid layer being the cap-lifter/large flat head screwdriver and can opener/small screwdriver bring the third layer.  The knife also has new ergonomic scales and key ring for lanyard attachment.

While the new GAK is definitely more functional than the older 108mm GAK there is a trade-off in size and weight.  The new one is not nearly as pocket friendly and is better suited to be worn in sheath from the belt.

Being old school, I still have a certain fondness for the older 108! The flashlight is West German Army Issue flashlight from the 1980s.  I'm not sure if they still use this style today or not! It was much more compact and versatile than the Armenian issued elbow flashlights!


To me a victorinox is just not the same without the tweezers.  I like them, I like the look of them but I always wish they had the tweezers

Jan, I know where you're coming from but i think the reason they were left of fthe military version was because they figured they'd get lost. Kind of goofy thinking! I know plenty of people in the military who carry SAKs because of the tweezers and toothpick!

OK.  this is a repeat but I really wanted to show off by Girl Scout Whistle so I took a picture of my Utica with the whistle!

And below is the first "Tactical SAR" knife i ever bought.  I got it on a low bid from KY Knives.  I carried it quite a bit and used it more than it shows.  As you can expect from cheap "flea market" special, the blade becomes loose after you flick it open fifty or so times and as it doesn't have lock mechanism the assisted opener can open by accident if not careful.  I learned a lot from this cheap-o.  Among them not to buy cheap assisted openers that don't have a lock! Despite all of its faults, I still play around with from time to time and it's easy enough to tighten up the blade tension when it starts to wobble.  It worth the $5 or so that I spent on it.  Still don't buy many modern folders unless they  lock or happen to have a marlin spike attached and/or the pocket clip can come off! Yeah, I'm that guy -- i can't stand pocket clips!

BTW the belt cutter is worthless and you'll probably cut your hands to pieces using the stupid glass breaker!

Today it is known as the Sasquatch Slasher but back in 5th Century it is rumored the St. Patrick used a similarly designed tlaabaas to drive the snakes from Ireland.  It said that what look at the fearsome weapon and its sacred powers it had over serpents over serpents was enough to cause  the Celts to drop to their knees and immediately convert to Christianity.  It is no wonder the same basic design has caused Big Foot to run for the hills at its mere presence!

Waht better Green knife to show on this day, the eve before the Feast of St. Patrick than the Sasquatch Slasher  AKA the St. Pat's Serpent Slayer!

Note, even St. Pat knew that eventually the Irish would need a Beer Bottle Opener!  Talk about divine intervention!


Note, even St. Pat knew that eventually the Irish would need a Beer Bottle Opener!  Talk about divine intervention!

Well Tobias the juju from the Sasquatch Slasher must have worked because you are our St Pats Party pack winner!

Whoot! Way to score Tobias!


Way to go, Toby!

A well deserved win if ever there was one!

Congratulations, my friend!

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