The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Making ill-informed statements does not bolster one's credibility; in fact, it usually has the opposite effect, and for good reason. On a different note, check out the mirror polish on that Cougar Creek's bolster!
A functional bolster on a knife can bolster one's confidence in actual use by preventing the hand & fingers from sliding onto the cutting edge.
I like to use the choil when working with scion wood.
Winning that beautiful Cougar Creek would certainly "bolster" my spirits !!
Not all knives have a bolster.
Winning this knife would bolster my collection.
I think I'll put a bolster pillow under my neck.
My brother bought me a custom knife with an intricately inscribed bolster on each side.
Anyone ever been to the ghost Town of Bolster in WA?
That sterling silver bolster shines like a star!
I need to bolster my knowledge of custom knife makers.
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