Sad story with a happy ending. I'm old enough to know better.

A couple of days ago I was placing an order with Amazon and noticed that they had a Schrade 4 blade "camp knife" that was close to being a duplicate of the old Camillus "Demo" knife. I did some quick googling and determined that the Amazon price was good, and being a Prime member I do not pay any shipping. I had chores to do outside so quickly clicked on the "Add to Cart" button and checked out.


Yesterday Vern (our UPS man-in-brown) dropped a bigger-than-expected box at the side door. My wife retrived the box and asked me what I'd bought. I said, "Oh, I guess it must be a knife." She gave me the "you're a dead man" look and said, "Just ONE? It feels like a bunch of knives!"

Last night I finally got around to opening the box. Pam was right, it was a whole lot heavier than a camp knife should weigh. I got worried that maybe I'd accidently ordered six of the knife.

Well, inside the box was a

a BIG, monster fixed blade knife with interchangeable blades and tactical-like Cordura sheath -- not at all what I was expecting.

I went to Amazon and figured out that they simply had the wrong picture mis-matched to the item description. Or, vice versa, depending on your point of view.

As always, Amazon Customer Service was fantastic. Instead of asking the obvious question: "Yo, Dummy, didn't you READ the description?" they were sympathetic and admitted it was all their fault. They provided a shipping-paid return label for me to print out.

So again I learn: The devil is in the details!

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Well Jim I am glad they did right by you.  I am also glad you wife only gave you the look..I goota ask, did she laugh when you opened it?
Hey Jan, sorry to report that nothing about my collecting knives makes DW laugh. I'm lucky enough to have a friend who's an active knife maker and another who's an antique collector whose collecting includes some fancy fruit knives. Because of those two guys Pam, at least, knows that I am not the ONLY nut in the world thinking about knives.

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