Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12315

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Tracking Number shows Delivery Tomorrow Johnny.

Awesome Bob, I'm really excited about this one.

I usually try to stay really patient, but I can't stand the wait, and it will probably be the shortest wait I've had for a GEC.


Thanks for the great service Bob, I know were to go next time I get that GEC itch.

So we have a new mail lady, she's slower than the other, but thats okay, she's new. Thats what I keep telling myself, but I need to be patient, it's a virtue... right?  Really looking forward to this one, I hope the weather gets better so I can share some pics, but no guarantees guys, I'd really like to, but it looks nasty out.


Thanks guys, I'm just impatient this time around.



Thanks Bob

Okay Johnny, tells us about that pretty little piece of  Silver steel and Red Wine bone.

I should see mine about Monday unless the mailman's burro throws a shoe. 

(I got to pick out my Elk #72 today......)


Where the heck is Jan???????


right here buddy.  I was outside.  Johnny has given me some hints on how to take better pics without the glare I keep having.


Thanks I appreciate the hinys, the outdoors peice is HUGE.  Does it sound to me that Bob was able to secure your elk for you?


So Donnie has a sheath and let me tell you, it is a beauty.  It is more precious as it is a gift from a dear friend.


Hey, there you are!!

Hadn't heard from you in a couple of days and was beginning to worry.

Glad the cowhide made it all the way to Tampa.  Just a piece of scrap I cobbled together in my spare time.

That is one fine picture!  Your talents are boundless.

That "old cowhide scrape" made one old man VERY happy.  Have you ever made any of the side sheaths Dave.  The one that sits sideways on the belt?  He had to set up the picture himself :)

I wish you had been there to hear the wonderful comments all over the Blade show on that back pocket sheath.  That is truley a work of useful art.  This one, the knife sits it in like they were born twins.


Still dealing with smoke?

Wow, great show Jan.

Awesome pic, looks like a good setup to me, Love the sheath as well.

Yes, I do have a beautiful Elk saved for me, it's an EDC model, but It's perfect for me. It's a heck of a lot better than missing out on the whole show.


Well Dave, I unfortunately have no Red Wine today, the mailman must not like knives, oww well, maybe tomorrow?

It's teaching me to be patient I guess, but it's wearing thin. Bad day for pics anyhow, tomorrow must be the day. :)


When can we see those pictures.  I hear it is a pretty wonderful peice of work

Robert Burris said:

Miss Jan, I am having a Great Eastern Trapper in 440c, rehandled by Mr. James Ivy. I will post pictures when it arrives.

Not sure I understand the "side sheath".  Do you mean one that holds the knife horizontally on the belt instead of vertically? 

If Donnie's knife fits in that sheath a little deep a small thong or lanyard gives me something to grab onto on mine.  Works for me anyway.  Glad he likes it.  Hoped he might.  That same sheath also works for the Wharncliffe blade 72.

The hip pocket sheaths are especially handy for carrying a larger knife like the 23 and the 65 Hogan in a discreet manner, yet having the knife readily available.  It is always ready in the same location within easy reach and yet out of sight.  The hip pocket sheaths are a real bear to make but on a good day and a cup of coffee it can be done.

They have evolved as I experiment with designs and patterns but they are handy to use and I'm glad Donnie likes his. 

Yep.  Smoke we have in abundance!  This wildfire is so large and still out of control that the fire crews have given up fighting it and are now back burning a line on either side of it to try to contain it until it burns itself out, where ever and whenever that may be.  Over 60 buildings, mostly homes, were lost and hundreds evacuated but the danger has now passed as the fire moves on through the mountains.  At night we still see entire mountains in flame from top to bottom.  I feel especially sorry for the wildlife on those mountains.  They are truly the innocent victims and have no place to go.  It has been determined that the fire was human caused.


Jan Carter said:

That "old cowhide scrape" made one old man VERY happy.  Have you ever made any of the side sheaths Dave.  The one that sits sideways on the belt?  He had to set up the picture himself :)

I wish you had been there to hear the wonderful comments all over the Blade show on that back pocket sheath.  That is truley a work of useful art.  This one, the knife sits it in like they were born twins.


Still dealing with smoke?

This morning Dave got a feeling, this afternoon I got a new knife. 

First off, I love the heck out of this knife, it's a great piece and it will be used for quite some time. I'll be testing it over the next few weeks to see how I really like it, as a pattern it's almost me in a knife. Or not, I just feel that way. 


The mailman must have stepped on the on the box, because my GEC tube was a little crunched, my precious was safe. So all is good, I have a beautiful knife so no grudges shall be held. 


I say this is me in a knife because it's so smoooooth, :) Just kidding about me, meanwhile the knife is one of the smoothest opening I've felt, it has a reassuring click that all will be safe. It has a little up in down play, but I trust it, and beside from that little critique it's a vault. 


Mini review:

After getting my precious out of it's cardboard cage I tested that "New" GEC edge, and wow. I had to search my left arm for some hair, but once I found it, I lost it. The hairs were a flyin', kudos to GEC for the edge. I then decided to test my knife on a lowly little nectarine, piece of cake. I almost felt bad for the little guy. :( 

I will have more to say when I've been through the paces with my newest pocket pal, but until then, Red, red wine 
Stay close to me.




Okay I took some pics, I couldn't leave you hangin' Dave.






Jan sings Red Red Wine better than me, the pics aren't my best work, but the weather said no GREAT work today. Maybe I'll get some really good ones soon, but until then, ya'll gonna have to deal with these.


GOD Bless my GEC Infected friends


Congratulations on your latest aquisition.  Absolutely beautiful.

I like the color and I like the bone jigging pattern.  Your usual excellent photography presents the knife at its best.

Now I'm looking forward to the arrival of the mail here on Monday!


Those berries sure do look good!  Something I miss down here in the desert southwest.

My camping partner and I recently enjoyed a special lunch of saute'd prickly pear cactus, fried yucca root, and tortillas made from flour ground from the mesquite bean.  Unusual, but excellent and tasty fair.  It was new to me, but he was raised on it, and all three were delicious. 

But I do miss those fresh berries of summer.


I know you will enjoy that new #72.





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