I just got my third puma white hunter and they all have differences from one another. Is there a guide or book or something that shows all the variations, marking, years,etc.?

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In the Group, Puma Collectors and in the thread titled Puma Collectibles I posted a couple of links to Puma Collector sites...It might be a good idea to add the group to your page as well. you'd always be welcome.


I have never seen a book devoted to Puma Knives in general let alone to strictly White Hunters but then again I'm not an avid Puma collector for me to be going out and specifically trying to find that type of book and it probably would be in German as well.


I do know that from the knives I've seen of long running models there are some very subtle differences in some and some quite blatant ones in others...Also there are I believe seven different White Hunter shaped and sized knives that Puma makes with prices varying as much as $150 between the models...Of course Sambar Stag will go for a lot more money then Kraton scales will.


I know the one I bought in 1968/69 is a lot different from the one I got in 2000--blade thickness, blade width, blade length, how far back the beveling goes but that could also be to a specific operator's "touch"

















Puma White Hunter 6.2 inch  # 116009  €349

















Puma White Hunter 6.0 inch  #116375  €289


Minor differences in blade shape, jimping on spine of the bottom photo forward of ricasso and different bolsters--materials and shape

I forgot that Jan had responded to the other Puma thread in Q&A with this reply:


Jan Carter said:


This may be helpful

How Old is My Knife?

Q. When was my Puma knife made?

A. Is there a 5-digit number impressed on your Puma knife? It is on the finger guard on Puma fixed blade knives. On Puma folding knives it is on the pushing spring. Enter this 5-digit number in the box below.
Is there a 3-digit number etched on your Puma knife (e.g. 105 RC)? Enter this 3-digit number in the box below.
Is there a 2-digit number etched on your Puma knife (e.g. 07 RC)? Your Puma knife was made in 2007.

RC = Rockwell C, it means that the knife was tested on its hardness.

Please input the number of your knife:
This link to the tool is at ...http://pumaknifecompanyusa.com/contactus.aspx


The real Puma Knife Company went out of business and someone bought the Trade name and started making knives again stamped Puma. This might cause some of the differences.
Mr. Burris are you absolutely, positively sure of your facts?

For in 1967 Mrs. Renate von Frankenberg took over the company, PUMA-WERK, Lauterjung & Sohn, as a general partner from her father Franz Lauterjung whose great, great grandfather, Johann Wilhelm, started the company in 1769 and has been in the Lauterjung family since then and still remains in their hands to this day.

There have been Communist, mainland, Chinese company stamping crap blades with the Puma/Solingen stamps but this are readily discernible—quality of finish and weight alone would give them away...Then again those Chi-Comm SOBs have been duplicating many makers knives especially the more expensive models with absolutely no worries of ever being punished and one of many reasons why I won’t knowingly buy Chi-Comm products—Taiwan Republic of is another matter entirely and I have lots of their manufactured goods.

They laud their "merchandise" a lot on EBAY which means you can't get to feel, see, handle the blade beforehand to spot the fake but when a $450 White Hunter is going on EBAY for $150 you just know that something is fishy about it.

Companies like Benchmark, Emerson, KAI-Kershaw, Strider, Chris Reeve and especially Cold Steel, probably have more fakes out with their stamps on them, then their real blades.
Shlomo, I got burned on a China made copy of a Laguiole folder that still has me made. I think the trade name was not patened or something to that effect. I think Puma has suffered some duplicating also, a real shame. I love Puma knives, infact I'm looking at an old one right now for a purchase. You seem to be very knowledgeable on these conerfeits so any help you can give us will be appreciated. Thanks.

Whether the name was protected or not, that doesn't stop those mother molesters from duplicating it and falsely selling it with an exact comparison--not like those cheap rip-offs that say Robex or Rolox instead of the real Rolex.


There are thousands upon thousands of horror stories out there where collectors have been burnt by labelled duplicate or fakes with the majority coming from Communist China but India, Pakistan and Afghanistan have all had supporting roles?


If you want to build a duplicate copy of say the Buck 110 folder then all the best for you…probably the most wildly duplicated knife style--If you can do it as a Buck marketing licensee manufactures then even better still--affix the Buck chop to the tang and your country on the obverse and best of luck to you B U T if you do so without permission and claim that it is a knife made B Y Buck that is intellectual plagiarism A N D downright fraud


If you build it, put Y O U R chop on it and the country that it’s made in then have it decided upon by a panel of knife critics as to who made the better knife...The Buck 110 was copied from a Puma design who copied it from a Boker design and each of them made slight differences to the model they copied from but they never claimed their pieces were the same as another’s


Robert Burris said:
Shlomo, I got burned on a China made copy of a Laguiole folder that still has me made. I think the trade name was not patened or something to that effect. I think Puma has suffered some duplicating also, a real shame. I love Puma knives, infact I'm looking at an old one right now for a purchase. You seem to be very knowledgeable on these conerfeits so any help you can give us will be appreciated. Thanks.

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